chapter two | khari

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I looked back at those dark brown eyes that were piercing right through me. It was quite amusing because I couldn't take her seriously. I honestly didn't know her issue, but she needed to get over it. I do remember bumping into her last night, but I was already pissed off. She was just in the way.

Randy looked between the both of us with confusion in his eyes.

"Did I miss something? Y'all know each other?"

I didn't say anything. I just motioned for the waitress to come over to take my order. I was a bit thirsty so I decided to get some water. The waitress took the order and Randy's then went to give Malia a refill. I could still feel Malia's eyes on me and I looked back at her, catching her in the act. She quickly looked away to Randy and answered his question.

"No, he's just an as—rude individual." She said correcting herself.

I shrugged, taking the empty seat. Randy sat down which left Ms. Malia the only one standing.

"What'd you do?" Randy looked at me weirdly.

"She walks with bad posture which caused her to bump into me last night." I looked at him, smirking. I knew I was lying, but I knew it would get a reaction out of her. So far, I loved making her react. I enjoyed seeing her scowl at me. At that moment, she did exactly what I had wanted her to do: react.

I heard her gasp and take her seat.

"I do not have bad posture. Thank you very much." She glared at me, and flipped her long, purple hair. The color fitted her nicely especially on that soft, dark skin of hers. Randy looked in between us, and shook his head.

"Anyway." He switched the subject. "You like it here so far?" He returned his eyes on me, and leaned the table a little.

I shrugged, readjusting my hat on my head. It was better than being in New Orleans with Satan himself. After losing my mother at the age of thirteen, I had to endure six years of hell with my absent father. I bounced in and out of juvie because we constantly got into it. He always ended up pressing charges on me because nine times outta ten, he'd have structural damage somewhere. I had to leave.

"It's aight." I said. "East coast women are horrible though." I looked at Malia causing her to narrow her eyes into a slit.

He chuckled lightly and nodded. "What classes you got today?"

I took out my schedule, glancing at it. "Psychology at eleven—"

"Oh, God." Malia blurted. My gaze flickered back to her as she rubbed her temples tenderly, sighing. "Please tell me you do not have it under Dr. Sanders."

I glanced back at the paper to see who was listed as the professor. Sure enough it was Dr. Sanders. I gave her a wicked grin making her groan in displeasure. "Do not flatter yourself, sweetheart." I wagged my finger.

The waitress came back with the drinks and Malia's refill. Malia rolled her hazel iris's before taking a sip of her water. "Do not flatter yourself, sir." She wrapped her lips on her straw, and sipped her water.

In my arrogant triumph, I smirked. She was too cute to be honest. The skin she wore was a dark mocha color & blemish free. Her long, purple hair tumbled over her shoulders. She wore makeup, but it was clear that she didn't need it. I didn't mind it, though. I was glad that she was wearing it because it only enhanced her beauty. The glasses she wore have her a sexy, nerdy look. I wondered did she really need them or were they for stylish purposes only.

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