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Hearing the banging of doors and the protests of guards, King Zelrox sighed and dismissed his personal maid with a flick of his hand. She scuttled away with a squeak, apologising profusely as she, in her haste, knocked into Hunter 9 as he exited the kitchen. With no hesitation he raised his hand and let it fly, slapping her across the face with a brute force that sent her flying to the cold marble floor with a muffled cry. She got up and scrambled out of sight, a hand to her cheek. No older than sixteen, she disappeared through the same door Hunter 9 had just come out of. She knew who was coming and wanted no part of it. Smart girl.

"Have fun?" King Zelrox asked. Hunter 9's mouth curled upwards in a smirk.

"Very entertaining." He replied as he casually adjusted his belt. As soon as he finished that sentence, the main doors burst open and the Shadow stormed in, purpose evident in his large strides. His black cape billowed around him as he walked towards the two men, stopping in front of King Zelrox and bowing to one knee in respect.

"Well? Is it done?" King Zelrox asked.

"I am resigned to report that I have failed my Lord." Nadu answered as he rose, his staff materializing out of thin air, green magic swirling around it. "The boy intercepted the blow destined for her. Locus is dead." King Zelrox slammed his jewelled fist onto the arm of his throne, the sound echoing throughout the hall.

"How many times must I tell you to kill that girl for you to get it through your thick head?!" He exclaimed, rising to his feet in one swift movement. Hunter 9 watched in greedy anticipation as Nadu set back his shoulders, his head high as he tried to retain some shred of dignity. "If you want something done, you have to do it yourself." King Zelrox muttered as he stormed out of the hallway. Slamming the door behind him, he ascended the stairs, opening the door to his lavish living quarters. "Get out." He snarled at the maid, who whimpered and did as she was told.

Wasting no time, King Zelrox went straight to the bathroom and lifted the spare bar of soap to reveal a neatly hidden lever. He twisted it, before re-entering his bedroom to see the bed splitting in half. Chains creaked as it moved away to reveal the bottom half of the flag that hung behind the head of his bed. Pushing the heavy suspended rug aside, King Zelrox twisted the massive vault lock. The bolts slid open and he pushed the door inwards, entering the dark cavern. His boots clicked against the metal of the suspended bridge. No one, not even Nadu knew of this secret cavern, but it was time he got results.

As he neared the end, a low guttural growl echoed from below him, and wisps of smoke rose. A wave of intense heat hit King Zelrox's face as a giant red head rose to eye level. Two beady red eyes glared at him, and the dragon roared, causing the entire castle to quake under the intensity of the terrible sound. The Rider grinned maliciously.

"It's hunting season."

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