Syndulla's Solo

495 21 11

Kanan's POV

The Ghost dropped out of hyperspace in the middle of empty space, just like I had told Chopper to do. I left Chopper in charge and went into my room. I took a nice shower to wash off all of the blood, sweat, and dirt that I had on me and changed into some clean clothes. Sitting down on the bed, I reached under me and pulled out my journal. Grabbing the pen, I started to write down this newest adventure.

Hello again! I'm back with a new adventure, more or less. After that last mission that I wrote about, we went to Garel. Now you might be thinking, "Oh, it's about time that they went on vacation!". Well, you are wrong. This was a mission and not a vacation, although that would have been nice. Instead, we had to go steal intel for this Fulcrum person again, whoever they are. Another one of Hera's contacts, supposedly. Anyways, this was supposed to be an easy in and out mission. Well, let me assure you, we were more in then we were out. See, there was a sort of field like place with crates all over the place that we used as cover. We parked the Ghost (our ship, in case you didn't know) in the Garel spaceport. We were getting ready to dash over to the outer base wall when the scouting light went out. Right then was when I started to get a bad feeling about that mission. We walked over and had Chopper let us in, then took the elevator to the third level, which was where the intel we needed was located. We had Chopper download it, only to be caputured by the Empire. Apparently, they somehow knew we were coming. They took our weapons and comlinks. They then took us to separate cells, where they interrogated us. Now, I'm not exactly sure as to what happened to Hera during that time period, but there was an Imperial officer that was sent to question me for a few minutes. Then, they left. I would say that they left me for about thirty minutes until they came for me again. The Imperials dragged me to a torture chamber, with Hera watching on the other side of the glass, which looked like a mirror to me. I didn't know she was watching at the time. They tortured me with electricity for about three minutes, then they pulled out a probe droid. The droid was just about ready to inflict the worst imaginable pain, when it suddenly stopped and went back to where it originated from. The Imperials then dragged me over to a separate room where they tortured me even more by making me watch Hera be tortured. After she was done, they took us back to our cells, where genius here came up with an escape plan. It was called running into the cell door. It always works you should try it sometime. Anyways, I changed so I was disguised as a stormtrooper in their good-for-nothing armor. I went and rescued Hera and now we're in empty space. Yep. Strike another one up for Kanan Jarrus. Win number two. Anyway, I've got to go before Hera starts getting mad and yells at me. Yours truly...

I put the pen and the notebook away as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, now that it was dry. I went over to Hera's door and knocked. After a couple seconds, she opened her door and welcomed me in her room. "How are you holding up?" I asked.

"Oh, about how you would expect." was her reply.

"At least you still have your sense of humor."

She chuckled a little bit. "Hey, Kanan?"

"Hmm?" I replied, busy staring at the wall behind her.

"I'm... I'm going to have to go away on a mission. A solo mission." she said quickly so I wouldn't interrupt her. "Fulcrum wants me to go somewhere and, well, I cant really tell you everything. It's top secret. I have to leave tomorrow morning. I just wanted you to know. Plus, they wanted me to have some time off after that."

I figure that my face must have had a very surprised look on it, because I was very surprised. I felt like all the breath had just been taken from me. She looked sad as she continued saying, "Fulcrum will come to pick me up and take me where I need to go. You will have Chopper and the Ghost until I am back. I won't be back for a while. A year at the least."

She started crying and ran over to me to give me a hug. She cried in my shoulder as I tried to process what she was saying. Finally, I came to term as to what must happen. I kissed her forehead and guided her over to her bunk. If this was the last night we were going to spend together for at least a year, I am not going to let her out of my sight. I let her get herself comfortable, then laid down beside of her, wrapping my arm around her waist.

I wasn't prepared to let her go so soon...

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