Chapter 30

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Caleb turned in his bed...for probably the twentieth time. He knew Josh probably knew what he was doing, but he wasn't quite sure. Then again, he was never quite sure with his brother. They were alike in many ways, but their differences were significant. For one, Josh took more risks than Caleb. He stepped into things blindly. He was careful, but not quite as careful as Caleb. Caleb knew that all too well. He closed his eyes, trying not think of the last time Josh stepped into something blindly.

Caleb turned over again. Getting a sinking feeling in his stomach, his eyes fluttered open to see a familiar sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. The young man had short, perfect, jet black hair and vibrant blue eyes. Sighing, Caleb sat up and swung his feet to the floor. "What do you want, Jax?"

"Is that any way to greet family?" Jax looked up at Caleb and grinned.

Caleb rolled his eyes. "What do you want, brother?"

"Well, you were never one for manners, Caleb," Jax said drily. "You were told of Manaki's visit earlier?"

"Yeah," Caleb muttered. "Why did you have to interrupt my peaceful sleep to ask me something you already knew?"

Jax laughed. "Oh, I'd hardly say I interrupted a peaceful sleep. You're right to be worried."

Caleb stood, his expression unreadable. "And how exactly do you know that?"

"I sent Gale with an offer that Josh won't refuse." Jax leaned back in his chair. "Face it. The three of you will break sooner or later."

"Josh won't cave. He'd rather die," Caleb retorted.

Jax smiled. "I know. But you can't guard all three on your own, can you?"

Caleb's gaze darkened. "I won't need to."

"I think you overestimate our brother's strength and skill," Jax said. "You should've accompanied him. You know that."

"Josh can take care of himself." Caleb said through gritted teeth. "Now, you're not here just to chat about Josh, so what do you want?"

Jax stood and began to walk over to Caleb. "Manaki really hit a nerve on the three earlier. They don't trust you."

"And why would that be?" Caleb's eyes were blue steel.

"They know you're keeping secrets, and they don't like it."

"In their defense, who would?" Caleb and Jax now stood directly in front of each other. Reaching the same height, they easily could look into each other's eyes. Caleb continued. "You've proven nothing."

"They don't know what your real motives are. They're starting to wonder why you keep secrets from them. Why you seem to know everyone and everything. Why you've never picked a side." Jax cocked his head. "For all we know, you're not even fighting for a side."

Caleb's face was expressionless. "Who says we need to pick one of your sides? What's wrong with picking our own side?"

"Wherever you go, whatever you do, you're betraying someone. You're a liar, a thief, a traitor. A no good guardian who only cares about his own skin." Jax turned and walked toward the window, looking out at the dark sky. Rain drops covered the windows, and it was falling steadily now, collecting in puddles along the cobblestone streets. "You're too perfect to some, the worst there is to others. All three of you. I mean, no one else can talk their way out of a truth spell. That has to mean something about your character." Fingering the red velvet curtains, Jax turned back to his brother. "How many people know that you've fought on both sides of the war?"

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