Chapter 14

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Morning -- 6:00
Fai hopped up, completely refreshed. "Ha! It worked!" He patted the area where his broken rib was, feeling no pain anymore. "This is awesome...!" He ran over to Josh, who was already up (he did just keep watch the rest of the night). "Josh, Josh, it healed! Look!" Fai poked at his side, a grin on his face.

Josh smiled. "I know. Works like a charm, doesn't it? Let's take a quick look at the wounds on your leg and head."

The redhead nodded, then began to unwrap the bandages around his skull and calf. "Hah! There's just a scar on my leg!"

Josh grinned and unwrapped the bandage around Fai's head. "Only a scar here, too. I think you'll be all right." He glanced at his brother's sleeping form, a little worriedly. "Caleb, I'm not so sure about."

Fai looked over at Caleb. "Can't you use the salve and herb? it like," Fai deepened his voice and air-quoted, "'for specific uses only'?"

Josh sighed. "It's not exactly a physical wound. That's the problem. He'll be okay, though. Don't worry about it." He sounded unsure, but he didn't say anything else.

I'm gonna worry about it, no matter what you say... "...Okay then. Should we start packing up? When do you think everyone will be awake?"

Josh bit his lip. "We should leave before it gets too late. We should probably wake them now." He went over to wake Marion and Cade.

"Right," Fai nodded before going over to wake up Kole. "Hey, buddy! Rise and shine!" The brunet immediately opened his steel grey eyes and glared at Fai. "Come on, you gotta get up."

"You have to give me more than five seconds to do that," Kole sat up from the ground and rolled up his sleeping mat. "Go pack your things, too."

"Yes, Captain!" Fai grinned at the old title, doing a terrible version of a salute, before going over to pack up his own things and put them back on Checkers. Wait... Kole doesn't have a horse... Eh. I'm sure we'll figure that out sooner or later.

After he had woken Marion and Cade, Josh went over to his brother's sleeping form. He knelt down and looked at him worriedly for a moment before shaking his shoulder. "Come on, get up. It's morning."

To Fai's surprise, Caleb wasn't on his feet instantly and wide awake. Instead, he rolled over and moaned slightly, without opening his eyes. When he opened them, they were just as bloodshot and tired at the night before. He blinked them open and looked at his brother.

Josh rubbed his brother's shoulder. "How are you feeling?" His voice was low; he was trying to not attract attention to them. When Fai looked around, he realized that no one else was paying attention to the exchange.

Caleb grunted a little as he hauled himself into a sitting position. "I'm in disbelief that I'm even alive, does that count?"

Josh sighed and smile slightly. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

Caleb closed his eyes, squeezing them shut in pain for a moment before opening them again. "Well, I'm definitely not good."

Josh grabbed his brother's wrist. After a moment, he released Caleb's wrist and gripped his shoulder. "That better?"

Caleb rubbed his wrist. "Not really, but it'll do for now."

"Do you think you'll make it to Sina?"

Caleb shook his head. "I don't know, Josh. I really don't know." Josh gripped Caleb's arms and hauled his brother to his feet. Caleb stood, leaning against a tree for a moment, then steadying himself. Fai noticed how much effort it took him, and he admired the way Caleb was keeping it from the others.

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