[23] - Sunrise

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[23] – Sunrise

The girl had slept on the boy’s blue couch

And the boy had slept on the blue carpeted floor.

They had stayed up until the wee hours of the night

Until they had watched the sunrise together.

The boy and girl looked like

They were young again

Childhood dates and childish sleepovers.

What they didn’t know was that

Neither one could fully sleep

Not because it was just after sunrise

When they first started slumber

But because of the conversation

They had as the sun had begun to rise.

“This is my first sunrise,” The boy had said.

“Really? Isn’t it beautiful?

How could you stand to ever miss one?”

“I slept in a lot,” The boy joked.

“I like sunrises a lot.”

“Any specific reason? Besides the beauty.”

The girl smiled wide, as if she prepared

For him to ask her the question.

“Sunrise shows how the light

Consumes the earth

As if finally awakening it.

It shows not only beauty

But power and magnificence

Though I think the most important

Thing it represents

Is a new day

And how we’re given a second chance

Because if you keep hope alive

Hope will keep you alive.”

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