[71] - Her

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[71] - Her

Her flowing words

Familiar but far away

Were inked onto the paper

She wrote.

"Empty cities filled

With empty people;

You are not one of them.

You are an ocean

So vast, so full of mystery,

So deep.

I am a ship.

Lost and tossing around

In your currents

But on an adventure.

You are a storm

Explosive, unexpected and

Beautifully destructive.

I am a lonely tree

Completely inescapable to

Your bolts of lightning,

Striking me in the heart.

You are the sun

So full of life and warmth

But also lonely

And so far away.

I am a distant star


One in a million,

In awe of you.

You are

my oceans, my storms, my sun.

You have snuck your way past

The steel bars I've put up against

My heart.

You have accidentally


My everything.

I am homesick for a place

that doesn't even exist.

You are my home."

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