Chapter 8 Let's end this!

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I made my way towards the gym, still pissed and broken to see Sarah cry. I clenched my fist every time I had the flashback of tears rolling down her fist, I almost couldn't take it! "AAAHHH" I heard someone scream in the gym, I ran there as fast as I could. A few moments later I made it to the gym, he had them all hostage. He didn't see me come in, he was too distracted at the time. I carefully sneaked down to the floor of the gym, no one saw me. I slowly started taking out guards, which honestly wouldn't very good guards. After taking a few of them out "HEY!" One of them caught me. I took my sword out and ran after him. I wasn't going to kill him, but knock him out quickly with the butt of the sword. "CLANK" He pulled out a sword and blocked me, which surprised me. He kept pushing down, I swept him off his feet and backed off for a moment. "What's wrong? Too much to handle?!" He smiled at me with an evil grin. I went back at him, he blocked it again. I jumped up and front kicked him in the face, getting another chance to get him. I ran back at him and acted like I was going to swing, he fell for it. When he got ready to block, I jumped over his head and took the butt of the sword hard to his head, he's out cold. "Well, looked who dropped in and is now enjoying the fun!" Geraxo said. I slowly put my sword in my sheath and said "Stop this, Geraxo!" As I turned towards around towards him. He laughed a little and said "I'm not gonna stop, I'm having way to much fun! And if I don't, who's gonna stop me?! HAHAHA" He laughed loudly. I stood up straight confidently and said "I will!" He died laughing and said "But how?! I almost killed you!" He said with an evil smile. "If there's a will, there's a way!" I said. "Oh, like morals will help! If I almost killed you once, then I'll do it again, and make sure this time...YOU'RE DEAD!" I got in my fighting stance and said "Let's go!" Geraxo ran dead at me and swept me of my feet. I rolled back as he tried to axe kick me in the chest, he knew exactly where to hit. "NHGHN" I grunted, When I rolled back, my chest was in a burning pain. But I couldn't give up that easily, it really was in that bad of pain. I stood up and faced him again. He ran back at me and jumped up and tried to roundhouse me, I was going unde-*POW* He kicked me in the face with a front kick, he tricked me. I got back up as quickly as possible, but he was already there. "AAHH" He kicked me in the leg, almost breaking it. He went over and tried to do it to my other leg, I stopped him for a second. then he grabbed the back of my head and slammed it against the ground "NNNOOO" Cassandra yelled out in fear of me dying. The guards went and took her to where everyone else was...front row seat of my death. He took my left arm and twisted as hard as he could, almost breaking it as well. "AAAHH" The pain was unbearable. He threw me on my back, you can guess what he was going after, my chest...again. He was getting ready to hit it again, but all of a sudden...there she was...Sarah. "Get her boys!" Geraxo told the guards. I couldn't say anything, or he would know. She tried to fight back against them, they couldn't handle her. Which made me love her even more. But then Geraxo walked over towards her, it scared me. I had no strength to get up or to really even mutter a word. he walked over towards her, she was scared to death, but still fighting back against anyone, and what she said next, shocked me "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" "Why? Do you love him?!" Geraxo asked crazily with a smile. I reach my arm out and tried to tell her to stop "Oh, so you know each other?!" He asked. "Yeah, he's my friend!" Sarah yelled. I saw Geraxo slowly take a gun out of his pocket, I can't let him do this! It gave me enough motivation to stand up, but just barely. "STOP!" He yelled and pointed the gun at me and then back at Sarah. I fell back to my knees in pain "See, you're in no condition to fight me!" Then, he did something I'll never forget. He pointed the gun Cassandra and...*BANG* My eyes opened up widely. "Y-yo-you..shot...her" Sarah said in shock. "Sh..she...was!" I said calmly, but got more angry as I went. "Why, why, WHY DID YOU SHOOT HER?!" As angry, broken tears rolled down my face. The anger boiled deep inside me, the rage started settling in. I felt completely broken! It all gave me determination. "I'll...I'll...I'LL KILL YOU!" I jumped up and ran after him and pushed me outside the back gym doors. *CRACK* Thunder, a storm was rolling in. I ran at him and tried to break his leg, he countered it and hit me in my almost broken leg. "AAAHHH" I was still to pissed to stay down. I ran dead at him and tried to sweep him off his feet, he jumped up and kicked me in the face. He knocked me back against the wall of the school. I tried one more last time to end this. I got back up slowly, I almost couldn't even stay on my knees. I walked towards him and swung at him, he ducked under and turn around side kicked me as hard as he could, knocking me out. "Huh? The NINJA Is nothing to worry about anymore!" He said as my eyes closed. In my mind, while I was out cold. I started talking to myself "It's over, I've failed, I've lost! I knew I wasn't ready for this, I'm nothing but a failure!" As I sat there moping, I saw her. "Cassandra?!" I got excited. "Austin!" I heard her voice. "Cassandra, I'm sorry." I said as I lowered my head. "For what?! I'm not dead!" My eyes opened up "What?! You're not dead?! But I saw you get shot!" I said. "I did, but he didn't kill me! Now, why are you not stopping him?!" She said and asked. "Because I can't, I already tried, but he's too strong!" I said sadly. "That's not the Austin I know! The one I know is strong, fast, brave, and will do anything for anyone!" She said' "But I failed! I can't beat him, I've tried everything! I don't even deserve to be The NINJA, I don't even deserve to see you for the stupid mistake I made!" She shook her head and said "What stupid mistake, you couldn't fight back, and I was glad you didn't! Because if he would've killed you, it would've killed me! And you know what? You are The Greatest NINJA, I've ever known, ! You have so much care for people that I'll never understand how or why? So, now go and stop him, do it for them, do it for Sarah, and do it for me!" it mad me smile, I felt great again. "Thanks, Cassandra! But, how did you know it was me?" She giggled and said "I saw the way you was looking at Sarah, I knew it was you!" I gave her a funny, dead serious look and said "Ok, I see how it's gonna be! But, I gotta a school to save!" As I woke back up, Geraxo was still coming towards me. I remembered everyone and everything I stood for, and it gave me strength to stand back up. I clenched my fist and taunted Geraxo, he was confused. "What is it? You want to die now?! Ok, so be it!" He got right t me, he swung his right arm, I caught it, he thought he had me. But, no. He smiled as he threw his other arm up, I caught it also, it shocked him. I jumped up and front kicked him as hard as I could, knocking him a mile back. The rain started pouring down upon us. He got up holding his side. He ran at me again, he tried his little kicking combo again. After he threw his roundhouse, instead of dodging, I grabbed it instantly and slammed him into the ground. I think I may have broke his back, but I don't know. He slowly turned on to his stomach, which was the mistake of his life. I took my elbow and hit hard to his back "AAAAHHH" Ok, now I think it's broken. "What's a matter Geraxo? You can't take a test of your own medicine?!" I kicked him in the gut with a front kick. He was actually able to stand up after that, I must fixed his back, but let's break it again. He pulled his gun out and pointed it at e and *BANG* But he forgot, I'm a NINJA! I dodged out of the way and got to his arm and broke it "AAAHHH" I side kicked him in the leg breaking it "AAHHHH" He fell to his knees and then I slammed his head into the ground as hard as I needed to. he was on his hands and knees...'For CASSANDRA!" I yelled and axe kicked him as hard as I could to his back, breaking it for good. I picked him up by the neck with one hand, all the students were amazed. "I SURRENDER, I SURRENDER, PLEASE, DON'T KILL ME!" He cried out in mercy. "Maybe you should of said that before you shot my best friend! Let's end this!" I said and slammed him against the wall and pointed the gun at his head. He was trembling in fear "...Bang!" I threw the gun over to the police, they showed up just in time. "Wha-What?!" He said in fear. I threw him over to the police. "THIS ISN'T OVER, NINJA!" I just ignored him the whole time. I immediately went in and went looking for Cassandra "Where is she?!" I asked. "The ambulance came and got her!" Mrs. Wright said. I instantly made my way towards the hospital...

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