Chapter 6 What now?

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"UH!?" I jumped up. I looked around everywhere, no one to be seen. I put my hand on my forehead, my head was hurting. "Was that all a dream?" I asked myself. But then I looked around again, and noticed I was in an hospital bed. But, could've it been a dream since I was shocked? I move-"Ow" I said as my chest was in terrible pain. So, I guess it wasn't a dream after all. That means he got away. I could barely stand, but I did and walked over to the window. I looked out and saw the sun shine down through the window. It's odd, even when bad things happen, good things still shine when you least expect it. After baking in the sun through the window, I went back and sit on the bed. I lowered my head and wondered about all that's happened. "Now what?" I ask myself. I'm in no god condition to fight, I may never be now. As I closed my eyes sadly and slowly. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* A doctor came in, it was the same doctor that told me about my brain. "Doctor!" I said shocked to see him. "Hey" He said with calmness and a warm smile. Then I realized, my mask. I felt of my face quick and started freaking out. "Don't worry, NINJA! I won't tell anyone!" The doctor said and sat down in a chair. "Does anyone else know?!" I asked scared to death. He shook his head and said "No, I was the only one to do your surgery. So don't worry!" It made me relieved "Thank you doctor!" I said with relief. "Ow" I said as my chest started hurting again. "Don't move too much! You have a fractured rib!" The doctor said. I lowered my head in depression. "What's a matter?" The doctor asked with care. "I failed!" I said almost ready to cry. I started remembering fighting Geraxo...he defeated me. "How did you fail?" The doctor asked. "I didn't stop him!" I said to him, but angrily to myself. The doctor kind of lowered his head and shrugged it off. "Hey, look on the bright side!" I looked up at him and asked "What bright side?! He got away!" As I clenched my fist. "He did, but you still protected them!" My eyes opened up. It made me realize, I still was there for them. "You've got to remember, you are still something amazing!" He said. It made me fell a little better, but it didn't help with finding Geraxo and stopping him once and for all. I'm still afraid he's going to kill someone! "Thank you, Doctor! But, he's still out there somewhere, and foe some reason...that scares me!" The doctor started thinking and asked "Then what will you do now?" I shook my head and said "I don't know? I can't fight in this kind of condition, I can't be there for those I love, I can't even stop someone whose going to kill someone I love more than anything." It made a tear fall from my eye, even the doctor began to cry. "It's amazing!" I looked at him and asked "What's amazing?" He put his hand over his lips and said "That someone could love this much, especially to all people! I love people, but not as much as I've seen you!" It amazed him to know how I much I care about each and everyone of you! "It's just how I feel. I don't care what you've done or where you've came from, I will be there for them!" *RING* *RING* The phone rang, I picked it up "Hello! Yes, is in here." They were looking for the doctor. "Yes, i'll be on my way!" He hung up the phone quickly. "What's a matter?!" I asked panicking. "Someone's been shot! Their in the emergency room right now!" As he said and ran out he door quickly. After he left, I sat there on the bed. Hoping they were ok, I turned on the TV. I laid down and watched a few shows, I stared falling asleep. My eyes were drifting off, little by little. A few moments later, I was knocked out cold. I opened up my eyes, to realize I was in another dream. This time, I could move around. I walked over to a little room, and looked in a mirror. And when I was him, or me, I don't know?! I looked down at my hands and was me. All of a sudden, words starring appearing on the mirror. "THE TIME WILL COME!" Was the first thing it appeared. "WHEN YOU MUST BECOME ASACRIFICE!" Which made me very afraid now *Gulp* I gulped. "BUT DO NOT FEAR, FOR YOU WILL BE THERE FOR THEM!" After the word went away, a picture started forming on the was when I saw him against the tree "I recognize that tree!" I said to myself thinking I solved something, but I did. The tree he was against was an old tree in front of the school, just above the parking lot. It confused me, but then made me really wonder "Is that going to happen to me?" It made me terrified to know that's what may happen, but hopefully whatever happens to me...doesn't happen to them. Outta nowhere, the picture changed to ambulance. The odd thing was, I could actually hear it. "HUH?" I jumped up, I had woke back up from the dream. I heard an ambulance, actually 5 of them. "What is going on!?" I asked myself and turned on to the news. "We report to you that 6 individuals have been shot and rushed to the hospital!" It made me gasp and wonder "We report, someone in a fedora hat and gauze has a mask has taken over the school!" When I heard that, it felt like my heart stopped on me. "The words from this man are "Don't' come any closer, or everyone in here dies!" As he said. He also mentioned about The NINJA "If you want everyone to be safe and sound, then The NINJA needs to come reveal his self! I know he goes to this school!" He said. We will comeback to you if anymore is reported!" It made my blood boil, but what can I do? I can't let them die, but I can't reveal myself. And if I do or don't, how will I fight? He completely whooped me last time. This time, I may not be so lucky to get away, but at the same time, I can't let him hurt anyone else. I just don't know if I'm ready to face him again. I looked over at my uniform and mask. I picked it up, a note fell. "Hmm" I said confused. I reach down and picked up the note "You can do this, I know you can!" -Cassandra! My eyes opened up widely. She's an amazing friend from school, just like a best friend. I didn't even know she stopped by. But, why did she leave a note? Does she know? Only time will tell. I smiled once I got out of being confused. All of a sudden, notes were falling out of my uniform, almost hundreds. They were all from random people, they were thanking me for being there to protect them and watching over them. Then one note...stood out from the rest "You have an amazing ability, Austin! You can do anything you put your MIND too!"-Doctor. It made me smile again. Then it made me realize, I can't give up just because I got a broken rib! The only way I'm not winning, is by being dead. And if has to come to that, then so be it! I put my uniform on "OW" I yelled. I had to move my chest a lot when putting on my uniform. After a few minutes, I finally had it on and mask in my hand. I snuck out the window and saw the sun shine upon me. It was so beautiful. It's like something was telling me that "Everything was going to be alright!" I put my mask on and went on my help them...

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