Chapter 4 A new villain

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"In breaking news! A new hero is upon us! As eye witnesses say "He's something like a NINJA, always helping people and stopping crime day and night!" Just the other night, a few gang members were threatening a young man and woman. And as they said "If it wasn't for The NINJA, we could've died!" "The NINJA?" A cop asked. "That's what we've named him." People are saying that there glad The NINJA is out there watching over us all. Thank you! we will report with anymore stories of the NINJA if any more come our way after these messages!" He put his drink on the table. "Huh, the NINJA? What kind of name for a superhero is that?!" *CRACK* They threw the door open. "Boss, we had to run away!" The boss stood up slowly and asked "Why?" He asked very angrily. "I don't know how to explain it, but there was some sort of NINJA guy, he was kicking our asses, one-by-one!" The boss rolled his eyes and sat back down. "Boss, are you ok?" He took a sip of his drink slowly, then smashed over the 1st guys head and grabbed by his shirt collar "I gave you ONE JOB, AND YOU COULDN'T DO IT!?" He pushed him out of the way and walked over to an old table. *BANG* He hit the table as hard as he could. "...Boss?" The thug was wanting to ask him a question. "How many times I've told you to call me by name?" The thug shook in fear and said "Sorry boss, I mean...Geraxo!" Geraxo put both hands on the table and said "I still don't understand why you couldn't  beat him?! Do you know how hard I trained you?!" The thug shook his head up and down and said "Yes Geraxo, but he even defeated big al'!" Geraxo laughed and said "he's good, but not better than me, and I'll prove that!" Geraxo went and put his uniform on. He dressed sharply, but still bland. Not in a suit, but a fancy jacket and a gauze around his face to hide is identity. He didn't really have a weapon, but just a 44magnun, not enough to threat, but enough to kill someone, or even a few. He put on a fedora hat and walked outside. "Call This so called NINJA, I'm ready to kill him!" Geraxo said to one of his thugs. The thug nodded his head and ran in and started calling every cop and every ambulance, anything to get me down here. I looked at TV screen in a window ,They starting taking random people off the streets, they were desperate to get me. The TV cut to someone, who was in a fedora hat and wrapped in Gauze "Hello, NINJA! I've been hearing how good you've been doing on these streets! Taking my business and beating up my guys. I won't stand for it! This is my city! This is my town! This IS MY WORLD! COME NINJA, OR WATCH THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE...DIE!!!" The TV cut off. It shocked me. I knew were that place was, it was an old factory. I was scared to go there, but at the same time they were holding hostages, I can't let this continue on! No matter what may happen to me, I must know they are safe, even if I'm dead! I know I can do this, but will I be able to do it in time? I don't know, but now's better than never! Let's go...

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