Chapter 3 Who are you?

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I heard somebody call for help, I rushed to the scene of the crime. I jumped form rooftop to rooftop, making my way towards the cry for help. A few moments later, I had arrived. "AAAHHH" It was few thugs threatening a young man and woman. It was almost 9:30 at night. *CRACK* It was starting to rain. The thunder striked the ground. All the people looked up at me and were just confused "HEY!" I yelled at them, even though they were all ready looking at me. A few of the thugs were hitting their fist in their hands and said "Listen buddy, go before we all have to kick your ass!" I closed my eyes and laughed and said "Well, let's see!" I jumped off the roof and scraped down the building slowly. I looked them down on a with seriousness, while the rain poured down upon us. I clenched my fists and got in my fighting pose and taunted them. The first guy smiled cockily and ran at me. He swung with his right arm, I caught it and flipped him over my back and twisted his arm "AAAHH" He scramed in pain. All the thugs looked at me in shock. I kicked him in the face, knocking him out cold. I turned around and faced them all again. The next guy ran at me and tried to kick me with his left leg, a front kick. I dodged out of the way and dragon swept him off his feet. He stood back up quickly and faced me again. He swung his left arm high, I blocked it and turned around and elbowed him in the side of his head and then proceeded and kicked him in the knee with the back of my foot. He fell on one knee. I front kicked him, knocking him a mile back. He was too hurt to get back up now. I turned back around to them. The couple that they were attacking, was just amazed. The thugs however, were getting scared. One thug made all of them step out of the way, acting cocky, all big and bad let's just say. He walked up slowly to me and said "You're pretty good, but not good enough!" He said with a cocky smile. He got in a fighting pose as well. I got in my fighting pose again and said "Let's go!" He started taunting me. He may know a few things up his sleeve, but so do I. I smiled and threw my first punch, he dodged and swung back at me. I moved out of the way and punched him in the gut hard "UNGH" He grunted. He slid back and shook it off. He came at me this time with a roundhouse. I grabbed his leg and elbowed it has hard as I could. He was holding onto his leg now. He was getting pissed off. He took all his strength and ran dead at me and tried to hit with his left arm, then his right at the same time. I blocked and grabbed both and ran up on his chest and back flipped kick hi in the face, making him also do a backflip. He could barely get back up, but he kept trying. I went over and put my foot on his back and held him down. "Please don't kill me!" He said in fear. I looked him dead in the eyes and said "I don't kill, but i'll make sure you won't do this again!" He was scared to death. All the other thugs were backing off and ran away. I called the police to come arrest the ones I had defeated. I walked over to the couple to make sure they were ok. "Hey, are you 2 alright?" I asked them. They were still in shock from everything "Yes, Thank you!" I smile and nodded my head and said "Don't mention it!" The cops arrived. "That was quick!" I said. "There's a police station down the road." The man said. "Oh." I said. "That's why we were calling for help, so they could hear us, but luckily, you showed up!" He said greatly, but calmly. I was like "Ah, I'm just glad I was able to protect you both!" The cops came over and asked them a few questions while I went back on my way. "Hey!" The young woman stopped me and asked "Who are you?" I didn't really know what to say "I'm just someone looking out for everyone!" I said with a smile. She smile and said "You don't really have a name do you?" I shrugged my shoulders and said "Yeah." She examined my clothes and weapons on me and said "Ninja savior?" I shook my head and said "Nah, don't feel right." She kept examining it all "Ninja hero?" I shook my head again and said "Nope." She felt of my clothes, I was like "Uh?" and then she said "I got it! The NINJA!" And I don't know why, but that name stuck to me. I shook my head up and down and said "I actually kind of like that! The NINJA! Thank you!" I said and went on my way. The couple smiled as I went on my way back to the rooftops. I walked over to the edge of the rooftops and scowered over the building, still amazed by this power. It almost made me cry, as a tear fell from my eye down my cheek. It's just awesome to be able to finally live my dream. Some people will never realize how important dreams can be. It made me smile knowing that I now can help people and fight back against all evil! And you can be my witness now, no matter what happens, I will protect them. I will die for them if it comes to it, no matter what, I will be there for them. I will be the light that shines through darkness, the candle that can't be unlit. For I shine dimmest in the day, but brightest by night. Darkness will fail under my light. You may not understand or get why I love people so much? Honestly, I don't know either. But, I can't stand and watch people suffer and die, or to be hurt in anyway necessary. Emotional or physically, I want everybody to be happy. And if means I have to die trying, then so be it! It won't be easy, there will be downfalls left and right, but I must rise upon them and be there for all of them. And one quote that I've came up with that I find so true is "Why watch the world burn? When you can extinguish the flames!" Some people want to just watch the down fall of others, but i'll be the one there to pick you up and make you smile again, no matter the circumstance! It's getting late, time to watch over this city...

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