Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Lily's POV

"Cheater!" Jake shouted as he rose off the couch

Laying into the couch with a victorious smirk I waved the game control in the air.

"Not cheating, skills you should get some." I said

Jake narrowed his eyes at me his bottom lip sticking out, I rolled my eyes. Talk about a sore loser. Jake is throwing a fit because I whooped him at Call of Duty. It started when I asked to play and he said he didn't want to make me cry.

Of course I took offense and challenged him. After blowing him up twice, shooting his head off and his legs Jake had he enough. Here we are.

Jake sat back down staring daggers at me. "Rematch." he pouted

Reaching foward I grabbed his bottom lip like Nick always does to me.

"Ewww don't do that!" he squealed like a girl

I laughed at his girly reaction and restarted the game. Jake shot me in the arm but I hid behind a wall and switched my shotgun to a sniper.

"Say bye bye Jakie."


I laughed as Jake's character's body fell limply with no head. Clean shot. I wiggled my butt and stuck my tongue out at Jake.

"Who's making who cry now?" I laughed

The doorbell rang as I gloated about my second victory, in a row. Jake crossed his arms and turned off the game mumbling how he anyone can win at this game. Baby.

The annoying bell rang again.

"I'll get it please don't stand." I said sarcastically

I opened the door to be tackled to the ground by a certain perky country girl who might I add is freaking strong!

"Rach." I croaked

She stood up pulling me with her a dorky grin on her face.

"Oh sorry." she grinned sheepishly

Nick smiled at me wrapping a arm around Rachel's waist. She snuggled to his side like it was the most natural thing to do.

"I told you guys I'm grounded."

"We know that's why we're here." Nick said while rolling his eyes

I couldn't help the cheesy grin that spread across my face. My friends are the best. Rachel stepped out of Nick's arms and over to me.

"So what can we do?" she asked

I shrugged "Anything as long as it doesn't bother Annabelle."

Yep daddy dearest is avoiding me completely. He is never home except for dinner which he doesn't look in my direction and when I came down for breakfast this morning he bolted out the door. Talk about good parenting, note the sarcasim.

"How about a movie?" Nick suggested

"Oh lets watch Paranormal Activity 3. I haven't seen it yet." Jake said as he hopped over to the dvds.

"I'll get snacks."

While I waited for the popcorn to finish popping I brought out the sodas as the previews began. Rach was laying her head on Nick's chest when I came in, they're adorable together.

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