Chapter 12

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I wake up to the sound of Marilyn's heart beating softly against my ear, I lift my head off his chest and sit up in my bed. I quickly came to the realization that I am graduating high school today and I for one am not looking forward to it. I remember the horrible argument Marilyn and I had with my dad last night, all the yelling and the looks on my parent's faces... it was so horrible, I never want to go through that again. I feel a tear drop down my cheek and my heart ache, I couldn't bare the pain, it hurt too much I break down. Marilyn is woken up from the sound of me crying, "Lily baby, what's wrong?" He says sitting up and wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest. "I-i don't know how I'm going to get through this day..." I say. "Shh, don't worry. You have me, I wont leave you. I love you Lily with all my heart." He says which warms my heart and makes me to relax. I pull back and wiped my tears away, I put a smile on my face and look into Marilyn's eyes, "Thank you, you make me feel better." I say while sniffling. "I just want you to be happy." He says. "Me too." I reply.

After a while Marilyn and I decide to face our fate and walk down stairs to where my parents are probably waiting for us. When we get down stairs it seems like no one is there and the house sounded so quiet, well that was until we hear a loud *bang* noise coming from the kitchen. We walk towards to the kitchen and to my relief I saw my mom. "Mom?" I say while entering the kitchen, Marilyn following behind me. My mom spun around and was startled to see us, "Lily!?" She raises her voice while dropping some kitchen wear. Marilyn rushes right over to her and picks up what she dropped, he stands back up and hands it to her, "Here you go." He says sweetly to her. My mom hesitates, "Th-thank you...Marilyn." She finally replies. Marilyn and I have huge grins on our faces, 'I think my mom's coming around to liking Marilyn!' I think to myself. "So Mom... Uh whatcha making?" I ask to break the silence. "Me? Oh nothing..." She replies in a tone which makes me suspicious. "Oh alrighty then... well um, where is everyone?" I ask. My mom sets down the kitchen wear and gestures me to come closer to her, both Marilyn and I walk up to her. "Lily... I know we put you through a lot last night, we were just really shocked about the whole thing and really weren't expecting something like this when we got back. Your father and I had a discussion about the whole situation this morning and by the end of our talk he said he needed time to think so he left shorty after, I honestly don't know where he is but I don't think he went far." She says. "Well... Will he at least make it to my graduation?" I ask with hopefulness. "I-i honestly don't know." She replies. "Oh I see..." I say and look down at the floor. Marilyn comes over to me and wraps his arm around me to comfort me. "You know, I wasn't sure at first but I see it now" My mom says, which causes Marilyn and I to look up at her. "See what?" Marilyn asks. "I see what Lily sees in you. Your kind, loving and everything she needs. Your both so good for each other." She says. "Re-really you think so!?" Marilyn says. "Mom does this mean you approve of us!?" I ask. She slightly giggles and forms a smile on her face, she eventually nods her head in reply. Marilyn and I run up to her and give her a huge hug. "Wow what's this for?" She asks while giggling and hugging us back. "For letting me love your daughter." Marilyn says. "You don't know how good it is to know you don't hate us." I say. My mom pulls back slightly and looks at us. "I could never hate you, I love you." She replies. "If only dad felt the same." I say. "He does, he just doesn't know it yet." She replies and we hug again.

After a while it was time to get ready for school, in my case graduation. Mom asked if Marilyn and I could drop off Jackson and Amy as well. I go up stairs and get dressed, I then apply my makeup and decide to curl my hair as well, today's the day I finally finish high school so I might as well look my best. Once I was finished I walk downstairs to join the others, as I was walking down the stairs I stop, Mom, Jackson, Amy and Marilyn all stood there staring at me with their jaws dropped. "What? What is it?" I ask. "Lily, you look beautiful!" My mom says with a smile on her face and a tear in her eye. "Not bad, not bad." Jackson says with a smug face. "Lily your the most prettiest girl in the world!" Amy squeals in her cutely high pitched voice. Marilyn walks up to me and I walk down the stairs towards him. "Their right. You are the most beautiful girl in the world, you look so gorgeous. I think I 'm the luckiest man in the world to be able to call you mine." He says while looking deeply into my eyes. I was so choked up, I've never felt so loved in my entire life, there's only one thing missing in this moment, my dad. After everyone was done doting over me we say goodbye to my mom and leave to go drop Jackson and Amy off at school.

The new baby sitter (Marilyn Manson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz