Chapter 4

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I wake up hearing my alarm clock go off. I slowly get out of my bed and grab some clothes out of my closet. I open my bedroom door and walk down the corridor to the bathroom. As I reach the bathroom I tried to turn the handle on the door but it was locked, someone must be inside. I wasn't sure whether to knock or not, but I did.*knock knock* "Yeah!" I hear a voice say behind the door. "Are you done in there?" I ask. I didn't get a reply, but just as I was about to walk away the door opens and Manson is standing there with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. I couldn't help but look. I looked at his pale white chest and saw all the scars he had inflicted on himself, I had always seen them in pictures or on TV but never in person. I was in awe just looking at them. He noticed I was staring at them, "Are they really that interesting to you?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "I'm sorry It's just...their so mesmerizing" I reply truthfully. He takes a deep breath then says, "You can touch them if you want". I look up to his face, stunned. "Really?" I ask. He nods his head. I look back down at his scars and gently begin to touch a scar under his left nipple. It was the biggest and deepest one I could see. I feel him flinch and he lets out a slight "Ah" in pain. "Oh I'm sorry!" I say as I quickly pull back my hand. He grabs my hand and puts it back against his scar. I look up at his face, stunned. "It's alright" He says looking back into my eyes. I blush intensely because in this moment I am touching Marilyn Manson's chest while we are both gazing into each others eyes, I am falling so hard for him and I can't help it. "Morning!" We hear Jackson yell behind us as he comes out of his room. Manson lets go of my hand and I quickly pull my hand away from his chest. Manson grabs his things out of the bathroom then walks back into his bedroom. I enter the bathroom and lock the door behind me. "Holy Shit!" I quietly yell to myself. I can't believe that just happened. I quickly take off my clothes and have shower. I get dressed and then do my hair and makeup. Once I was done I walked out and went downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen to see Manson, Jackson and Amy already dressed and eating breakfast. "Hi guys" I say while entering the room. "Hi!" They all reply. Manson pets the seat next to him for me to sit on, so I walk over to it and sit down. "Here you go" He says placing some breakfast in front of me. I began to eat. We all finish eating. "Guys you should go get your things for school" I say to Jackson and Amy and they nod their heads then walk upstairs. I get up and start grabbing bowls and so does Manson. I walk up to the dishwasher and put the bowls inside. "You should get your things too, I'm going to drive you all to school." He says. "Since when do you have a licence?" I ask skeptically. "Since I realized I was going to have to drive kids around in this industry." He replies. "Now go on and get your things" He says while whipping my butt with a wet tee-towel. "Okay! okay." I reply blushing and run upstairs. I grab my things and run back downstairs. We all get outside and I lock the front door, we then all get into Manson's car. "Got everything?" Manson asks. "Yep!" we all reply and then leave. Manson drops Jackson and Amy off first. "Bye guys!" Manson says. They turn and wave to us goodbye then we drive off. Manson hands me his phone. "Why did you give your phone?" I ask curiously. "Put your number in it just in case we need to contact each other." He says. I click on his phone and go into his contacts. I almost have a heart attach while looking through the names, "Holy Shit!" I yell. "What!?" He replies. "Axl Rose, Billy Corgan, David Bowie, Johnny Depp, Trent Reznor and TWIGGY!" I reply loudly. "Oh. I see you've found my contacts." He says with a giggle. I finally get around to putting my number in his phone then hand it back to him.  Thanks, now I get to harass to you when ever I want" He says sarcastically. "No I think it's the other way around" I reply lifting up my phone showing him that I put his number in my phone too. We pull up to my school and I let out a big sigh. "Hey, If you need me just give me a text" He says looking at me sincerely. I smile at him, "Thanks" I reply then get out of the car. I watch him drive off then turn around to head into school.

I'm in the middle of school at the moment and my science teacher is babbling on about chlorophyll or some shit, I begin to get bored and frustrated. Usually once i feel this way I would take out my phone and start listening to Manson's music but this time, seeing as I had his number, I decided I would text him.
Me: Hey.
Manson: Hey what's up?
Me: I'm in science and am bored af.
Manson: What are you learning about?
Me: Chlorophyll or some shit.
Manson: Oh haha sounds interesting. What class do you have next?
Me: Art.
Manson: Oh! I love art!
Me: I know you do. I know you think that art is a "?" And should never be answered.
Manson: You know me too well.
*School bell rings*
Me: Oh! The bell just rang, I have to go to art now. I'll talk to you later okay?
Manson: Okay.
I pick my bag up then begin to walk to art. On my way there I am pushed by some school bully. "What the fucks wrong with you!?" I yell at the bully. "Watch where your going!" He replies back. "I was." I reply sternly. "Don't talk back to me you bitch!" The bully says while punching me on the arm which causes me to fall over and hit me face on the ground. "Yeah that's what you get!" I hear him yell then walk away. I slowly raise my head while it throbs in pain and I look up to everyone around me just staring. No one cares to help me, they just stand there staring at me. I manage to stand up and I continue walking to my class.
I walk into art and head straight to my seat, I avoid everyone. I sit down and lower my head with my hair covering my face. I hear my teacher walk in and begin the lesson. "Today you can paint whatever you'd like, my only request is that you use watercolors." Papers and paint are handed out to everyone. Once I had what I needed in front of me, I found it really difficult to think of what I should paint. Which doesn't usually happen to me, I'm usually full of ideas, except today. The thought of Manson came into my mind so I decide to text him.
Me: Manson, I need your help with something.
Manson: Sure, anything.
Me: I've been given the task to paint what ever I'd like with watercolors.
Manson: Watercolors my favorite! But you probably already knew that. So what's the issue?
Me: I can't think of what to paint. Usually I have ideas in my head all the time but today, I don't know, there's just nothing.
Manson: Um okay. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Me: What? What does this have to do with it?
Manson: Come on just tell me. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Me: Um well. I remember some time during this week I watched the interview with you and Twiggy in it. It was the one where Twiggy replies with the answer "Space Ghosts?" And I just laughed so hard.
Manson: Good old Twiggy.
Me: So are you trying to say I should paint something that last made me happy?
Manson: Precisely
Me: Okay, Space Ghosts it is then.
I complete my painting and am pleased with the finished master piece. I show it to my teacher, "Space Ghosts, what does that mean?" My teacher asked me. I gave her the reply I always give her "?". "Oh right, how could I forget? Art is a question mark and should never be answered" my teacher replied with a smirk. Finally the bell rings and school has finally finished. I walk outside and see Manson standing outside of he's car waiting for me. I walk over to him and give him a wave. "So how was school?" He asks. "Oh great" I reply sarcastically. He gives me a worried look. "We can talk about it when we get home" he says. We drive off and pick up Jackson and Amy from school.
We arrive home and Jackson and Amy run out of the car and to the front door waiting for it to be opened. "Wow you guys can't wait to get inside can you?" I say skeptically. They just giggle. I unlock the door and Jackson and Amy whiz right on through. Once me and Manson are inside I close the door behind us. I walk upstairs and go into my room, I close my door behind me. I throw my bag on the floor and just as I was about to relax onto my bed I get a text.
Manson: Hey come into my room.
Me: What? Why?
Manson: Because I want to know how your day went at school today.
Me: It was fine, we don't have to talk about it.
Manson: Come on. I don't bite.
Manson: Hard...
I throw my phone on my bed and begin to blush at his texts. Why must he make me feel this way!? I think to myself. I then open my door and walk towards Manson's room. I knock on his door, *knock knock* "come in" I hear him say through the door. I open his door and enter his room. "Like what I've done to the place?" He asks about his room. "Yeah I do, you've finally settled in I see." I reply. Manson nods his head then pats the bed next to him for me to sit on, so I walk over and sit next to him on his bed. "So tell me. How was school really like today?" He asks. "Why are you so curious?" I ask. "Because this morning when I dropped you off you seemed sad about going" he says, "well nobody goes to school feeling excited about it." I protest. "And when I picked you up this afternoon you seemed more upset than this morning" he says. "Well that's true" I confess. I take a deep breath and then lift up my sleeve on my shirt. "What the fuck is that? Don't tell me someone did this to you" he says sternly looking at my new bruise that was inflicted on me today by the bully. I don't reply to him, instead I keep going. I move my hair out of my face and show him the bruise I got from hitting my head on the floor. "Lily, tell me what's going on" he says in a more serious tone. "This, this is what happens when I go to school. This is why I don't enjoy driving to school because I know that I'm bound to have a shit day regardless." I say to him. "Who did this to you?" He asks. "I don't know, no one, yet everyone. So many people pick on me and bully me because I am such a worthless person. It doesn't matter if they know me or not, I'm seen as a target and they go for me." I reply. I see Manson's eyes turn into fury. "I hate seeing you like this. I wish I could find the people that have hurt you and destroy them." He says. "Why?" I ask. "because you mean more than you think to me. I've grown to care for you Lily." He admits. I take a moment to process what he has just said. "And I you" I reply looking down shyly. Manson puts his hand through my hair and brushes it away from my face with his figures. He then gentally caresses my bruised face with his thumb. I grab onto his hand, which is still touching my face. We look into each other's eyes and gaze. All of a sudden Amy walks in and ruins the moment. I let go of his hand and he pulls his hand away from me and we both quickly turn to face Amy. "What are we going to have for dinner tonight?" She asks so innocently. "Oh um, I was thinking we could go out and eat." He says looking over to me for approval. "Where to?" I ask. "A diner" "Yay! I love diners!" Amy says eagerly. Both Manson and I giggle. We both get up off the bed, I turn to Manson and say "Thank you", he replies with a wink which makes me blush. I then leave the room and go to mine. I walk over to my closet to pick out what to wear to dinner. I choose my black leather skirt to go with my fishnet stockings and a plain black singlet, i get changed. I walk downstairs to see everyone in the living room watching TV. "Are we ready?" I ask everyone. Amy and Jackson nod their heads while continuing to watch the TV. Manson stands up and begins to walk towards me when he suddenly stops and blush's. "What?" I ask, confused. "It's just, you look... you look so beautiful." He says while checking me out. I look down at my outfit, "Oh I see" looking back up to him and giving him a smirk. "Okay let's go!" Jackson yells out while switching off the TV and walking over to me and Manson, Amy comes over too. We all leave the house and enter Manson's car.

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