Chapter 2

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I woke up and checked the time on my phone, It was 10am on a Sunday morning. I got out of bed and walked down the corridor  to the bathroom to have a shower. I got into the bathroom and locked the door behind me, then grabbed a towel and put it on a counter. I undressed myself and got into the shower. After washing myself i got out of the shower and tried myself with my towel. I realized that I forgot to bring my clothes with me into the bathroom, I then shrug my shoulders  thinking to myself no ones up yet so they wont see me in a towel. Seeing as it was Sunday and I wasn't going to school I didn't bother with my makeup so i just brushed and straightened my hair. I  grabbed my toothbrush and applied toothpaste to it then began brushing my teeth. *knock knock* I hear at the bathroom door, "Yeah?" I say with the toothbrush still in my mouth. "I need to use the bathroom" I hear a voice say behind the door, I couldn't quite make out who's voice it was but I knew it was a male's voice, so it was either Jackson or Brian. "Uh yeah okay, one sec!" I yell out in reply. I take out my toothbrush and rinse it under water before putting it away. I adjust my towel around my body then walk over to the door and open it. I see Brian standing at the door, he's wearing long black track suit pants and a Alice Cooper t-shirt. I look up at Brian's face and see that his face is starting to go red and he is looking down at me, I look down at myself then realize I'm wearing nothing but a towel in front of him! I get so embarrassed and begin to blush immediately, then just like that I ran away down the corridor to my bedroom then shut the door behind me. "OH MY GOD! I CANT BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED!" I yelled quietly to myself. I run over to my cupboard and look for clothes to wear straight away, I grab some black ripped jeans and a Marilyn Manson sweater and put them on as fast as I could just to make myself feel better. After a while my embarrassment slowly went away and I decided to get out of my room and see if my brother or sister were up. 

I open my door and peak my head out to see if anyone was in the corridor, when the cost was clear I walked out into the corridor and closed my door behind me. I decided I would go to Jackson's room first, so I started walking to the left of the corridor, but stopped when I reached the outside of Brian's room. I saw that his door was a jar open so I decided to peek inside to see what he was doing. I look inside and see Brian getting changed, he already has his black pants on my he's not wearing a top, as I look closer I can see that he has cuts all over his body, and that he was really skinny and pale, it actually kind of attracted me. He suddenly stops getting dressed when he gets a call on his phone and answers it, "Hello? Dita is this you?
Look stop calling me, your making things harder for me, I'm trying to move on... What! Your the one who broke up with me! You know what fuck you, don't call me back again!" Brian says on the phone then hangs up and throws his phone down on the ground in fury. I got uncomfortable and decided to stop spying on him so I moved away from his bedroom and kept walking. "What did he mean he was trying to move on? And did he mention someone called Dita?" I thought to myself as I reached Jackson's room at the end of the corridor. I knock on Jackson's door and get no answer, I decide to open the door.

I look inside and see Jackson crawled up into a ball while sitting on his bed. "Jackson... Are you alright?" I ask walking into the room. "Just go away!" He yells out with a teary voice, I turn around and close his bedroom door then go to sit on his bed next to him. "Come on Jacky, what's up?" I ask in a more sincere tone. "I-i just want mom and dad back!" He raises his voice then blurts out into tears. "Aw come here" I say softly while pulling him closer to me and wrapping my arms around him. "You know, you still haven't told me if you like the new baby sitter or not" I say trying to change the topic. "Yeah he's alright, he's not the reason I'm upset though" Jackson replies, "oh so there's a reason?" I ask, "I'm just so sick of them (parents) leaving all the time, it's almost like they don't want to be with us" Jackson says tearing up again, "Oh you know that's not true" I say reassuring him, "Isn't it? I mean I've had 24 baby sitters look after me through out my 10 years of being here" he says trying to sound logical. "Yeah well I've had 36 through out my 18 years here and the parentals have always cried every time they've come back from their trips because they miss us so much and would rather be with us than go on business trips" I reply. "Then why do they go?" Jackson asks, "because they want to give us the best things in life and if that means they have to go away on business trips for work then that's what they'll do. I reply. "Oh okay I guess I understand... I just miss them" he says. Jackson hugs me, "Thanks sis" he says smiling at me. I hug him back then get up and leave him to himself.

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