Chapter 6

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The week has gone by fast and it's already Saturday. Marilyn promised me that he would spend the whole day with me today, I wonder what he has in mind for us to do. Jackson and Amy are sleeping over at a friends house today and Marilyn is dropping them off. I sit up in my bed and reach for my phone, it's past 10 am, Marilyn should be coming back after dropping Jackson and Amy off. I get out of bed and go have a shower, I get dressed then do my hair and makeup. I walk downstairs and go into the kitchen and make myself some cereal. Manson still isn't back yet so I decide to go into the living room and watch some TV. I switch on the news and my jaw drops from what I am hearing. Journalist: "Last Tuesday a long lost celebrity made a unexpected appearance in none other than our own home town. The 35 year old shock rocker Marilyn Manson was spotted at Hot Topic by numerous fans and was said to be with a young girl. He was then later on seen again at a Smashing Pumpkins concert again with a young girl. Does this mean the Antichrist Superstar is returning to the spot light? And who was that young girl he was with? Who knows?". I couldn't believe my ears, we we're spotted! Suddenly the front door opens and I scream "Ahh!". "Wow! It's only me." Marilyn says in his soothing voice which always calms me down. "Sorry, just had a heart attack is all." I reply. Manson laughs. "Why are you so jumpy anyways?" He asks. "Oh no reason." I say in an unbelievable tone. He raises his eye brows at me. I sigh, "I was just watching the news when you appeared... and they mentioned you were spotted with a young girl..." I say while looking down. I get no reply but I hear Manson pick up his phone and start calling someone. "Who are you calling?" I ask. "Trent, I need to know more about this." He replies. Trent picks up, "Hey! Trent. Is it true that I was spotted recently?...Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh. Yeah okay thanks... See ya." He hangs up the call. "Shit!" He yells. "What?" I ask. "This is bad. Everyone knows I'm in this town now and any day I could get spotted again. I need to go and meet Trent and the rest of the band and have a meeting." He says. "Wait but I thought Trent and the band weren't from around here." I say. "Their staying in the next town from here, it's about an hour and a half away." He replies. "I need to go get ready." He adds and runs upstairs. I walk upstairs after him and reach his bedroom door and lean on it while looking sad. "Lily?" Manson says. I don't reply. "Baby what's wrong?' He asks. "You promised that we'd spend the day together and now your going off without me." I say continuing to look down. He can tell I'm about to break down so he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. Do you want to come with me?" He asks. "Do you really think that's a good idea? I mean this situation seems pretty serious." I reply, looking up to him. "Yeah it is but, I want you to be there with me." He replies. I agree and I go get ready myself. Soon enough we both head out the door and begin driving to the next town.

We've been driving for more than an hour now and we finally begin to pull up to a house, it's massive. "Marilyn, who lives here?" I ask in astonishment. "No one really, Trent's renting it for a while." He replies and we both get out of the car. We walk up to the front door and click on the buzzer. "Who is it!?" The buzzer yells at us. "It's me, Marilyn." He replies. "And who's the girl next to you?" The buzzer asks. "Lily." He replies. "Okay you two can come in." The buzzer replies and the door opens. When we walk in we see that the whole place is messy and trashed, there's loud music playing and the smell of piss is everywhere. "Well, they've definitely marked their territory" Manson says while looking around. "Your damn right we did." We hear a man say behind us and we turn around. Trent Reznor (from nine inch nails) walks into the room carrying a bottle of vodka. "Long time no see." Marilyn says. "Too true." Trent replies wrapping his arms around Manson and pulling him into a hug. "I've missed you" Trent says. "You too buddy" Marilyn replies and they let go of each other. Suddenly Trent's attention was on me and he began to look me up and down. "Now you must be the gorgeous Lily I have heard about." Trent says while smirking at me. "Gorgeous?" I replied. "Oh you know you are." He says. Manson begins to get jealous and grabs my hand, Trent sees this but ignores it and begins to lead us into another room. "Their in here." Trent says. "Their?" I ask. "Yeah the band." Trent replies. And just like that it hit me, I was about to meet the whole band I have been in love with my entire life! The doors open and we enter a room.

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