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so how was that huh?

it was probably really, really bad and i am hoping you didn't expect the plot twist at the end, though you probably did lmao.

i am smiling like a lunatic right now because i have never completed a story before and wow.

so in case you're confused as to what happened, here;;

- people wanted to hurt bellamy because jerry did something on the ground that was really really bad - worse than finn and murphy bad. and i shall leave that up to your imagination lolololol

- they wanted to hurt baby bells because he was their leader and they believed him to kill jerry otherwise they'd hurt him and his lover so 😞

- so jerry got octavia to help fake his death and yeah, i just realised how shitty this is and i apologise oml

i hope you guys didn't experience too much pain, because i just had visions of bellamy writing that to a person in the show that i ship him with so much and it hurt me.

i have no idea if i will make a sequel which would probably be from jerry's point of view, so for now (and maybe forever)


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