FEARLESS( a Seth Clearwater love story)9

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“the others went to look it’s just you, me and your farther, she’s gone into labor” Esme said as we ran in inhuman speed into Carlisle’s study where we arranged a place for Nicole to give birth.

 “what are we going to do?” I asked.

I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do much with my arm in a cast but I could try. And try my damndest. 

“were going to have to do a c-section, there’s something strong protecting the baby, I think it’s something like our skin, I couldn’t get a needle through it.” Carlisle said 

Nicole was hooked to a million different machines. She looked terrified.

“I need you to keep her calm and to support her. I don’t want you doing much with your arm, so do you think you can do that, I knew Edward would have wanted it” Carlisle said in a hushed voiced so Nicole wouldn’t hear.

“you talk about him like he’s never coming back.” I said with tears sting in my eyes. 

I loved my brother. I felt bad for being mad at him even though I knew he told me that trick I could do just before my date on purpose. Just to make me think about myself more.

“concentrate.” he said 

I nodded, a swift movement fast enough Nicole’s human eyes wouldn’t register it. I grabbed her hand so she would squeeze her belly. 

“ok Nicole this is it” I said smiling a small smile “I can’t wait to meet this niece or nephew of mine”

“I want Edward.” she said.

“I know, so do I”  I mumbled 

Carlisle put an IV in her arm and then some medicine so he could do the c-section. 

“ he promised” she cried 

“he promised what?” I asked

“that he’d be here for me no matter what.” tears fell from her blue eyes.

I really wanted to give her a hug but I settled for squeezing her hand.

“I’m here, I’ll be his substitute” I said. she smiled but then the real stuff stared.

Carlisle had put up a cloth to keep Nicole from looking and they talked in hushed tone’s but I could still hear them. 

“I can’t cut through it” he said 

“what’s the only thing that can cut through vampire skin” Esme said.

“our teeth but,” then he got it.

I tried not to let Nicole see how nervous I was.  I herd a pop and had to resist the urge to look over the cloth. But then we herd it. A cry. We both smiled when we saw Carlisle’s head pop over the cloth. I was relived to see no blood. 

“it’s a boy.” he said wrapping the baby boy in a blanket we had set aside. 

“ what are you going to name him?” I asked looking at me handsome baby nephew.

“I think I want to name him Edward Anotny Emmet  Mason Cullen” she said gazing at her beautiful son.

He had Edwards bronze hair though not as red as mine and bright eyes like his mommy. He had Nicole’s nose but Edward’s lips. 

“he’s so handsome!” I said conning at him. 

The moment was ruined when baby Edward bite Nicole.

“it burns” she complained. 

“what does?” we asked 

“my chest were he bite me” she said.

She handed me baby Edward. 

“Lilly go take Edward down stars I have animal blood set aside for him in a special bottle” Carlisle said 

“but warm it up first” Esme said I nodded and went down stars like I was told.

Baby Edward didn’t wiggle which I was thankful for since I had him in my bad arm but he kept his eyes on me at all times. 

“Hi, I’m your auntie I’m going to be making you a bottle this evening, It looks like elks blood” I said throwing the blood into the microwave. 

I waited for it to be done and then place it into the metal bottle since he already had a set of really tough teeth. I went up stairs to feed him so Seth could keep me company. 

“who’s this?” Seth asked.

“this is Edward Anotny  Emmett Mason Cullen” I said placing him down on the bed so I could get settled before I picked him back up. 

“why isn’t Nicole feeding him?” Seth asked 

“I think there changing her.” I said feeding my nephew. My knees were too my chest and baby Edward was in between my knees. So I wasn’t putting strain on my broken arm. 

The whole time I fed him he never took his blue eyes off of me. 

“I think he likes you” Seth said with a smile.

“of course he dose I’m his auntie” I said smiling at baby Eddie. 

“so your brother missed it” he said 

I nodded 

“when we have kids which I hope we do, I’m not going to miss it for the world.” he said 

I smiled because I knew it was true.  Our heads snapped when we herd screams. Nicole was becoming a vampire. My nephew was born but the question still was where the hell was my brother? I needed him.                    

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