FEARLESS( a Seth Clearwater love story)3

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We waited for screams of terror to break out, but there were no sounds what-so-ever. Just the sound of Bella, Jacob and I breathing and the faint sound of machines Carlisle had hooked up to Nicole’s stomach that was already taking shape. 

“So, what’s going on, doc?” Jake asked; breaking the tense silence. 

“Nicole is pregnant. We're not sure what’s going to happen, we know what to expect while raising a half-human, half-vampire child. But we know nothing about the pregnancy or birth of one.” Carlisle responded. 

“What about Lilly?” Jake asked 

“When Edward's mother was dying, she told me about Lilly and where to find her, but before that I had no idea.” He said.

“You know, maybe the tribe knows something about this. I’ll ask Sam to see if we can help.” Jake said standing up. Bella followed suit. 

“That  would be greatly appreciated, Jacob, Thank you.” Carlisle said. 

Jake nodded, then left. 

It seemed like hours later, but finally Edward came out.

“She knew.” he said simply.  

“What do you mean, 'she knew'?” Rose asked. 

“She knew I was a vampire, she thought Lilly was humane but she knew, her brother told her, I guess their grandmother told them stories about vampires, so she wasn’t surprised…”  he said, still in shock.

“What now?” Emmett asked. 

“Now we wait.” Carlisle shrugged. “We know the fetus grows fast, but we already knew that.”

Everybody’s stares wondered their way to me.  Hours passed, Nikki’s belly grew by the hour. I paced around the living room as we waited for Jacob. 

I jumped as Jacob rushed in with out knocking. 

“They're going to attack.” He called, loud enough that all the immortals could hear.

Everybody rushed into the living room, including Edward. 

“Why?” Edward demanded.

“They think it’s a danger to the town.” Jake said.

“What? But don’t they know about me?” I asked.

“Our histories talk about children who are unstable and uncontrollable.” He sighed.

“The immortal children.” Carlisle said.

Everybody looked at him questionably 

“Children that were born human but were turned, they stay at what ever developmental stage they were in that is why they are so dangerous.” Carlisle explained.

“Jake, what’s taking so long, we should be doing border check-” said a familiar voice.

I looked up to see that sweet face I remembered from a few years ago. I was suddenly lost in warm brown eyes. I watched as they melted. I felt drawn to him like he was mine and no one else’s. Just mine. I smiled at the thought. I herd Edward growl but I didn’t care. 

“Hi.” Seth finally said. 

“Hey.” I said, smiling back 

“Jake, Seth is everything alright?” Seth’s sister, Leah asked  

Edward and Leah’s growls filled the silence. 

“Really, Seth the half-breed it couldn’t have been anybody else!”  Leah shouted 

"Don’t call my sister a half-breed!’ My brother spat from between his teeth.

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