Trust and whiskey

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Hermione's POV

She stared at his face, looking for any signs of trickery. She was highly suspicious of his motives, because earlier on when she spilt the drink on them both, she'd have received a nasty hex. Then, he smiled, and complimented her. Now, he's making her have a shot with him.

"What are you up to Malfoy?" She asked coldly, watching him closely. His grey blue eyes piercing into hers.

"Nothing. I would just like a shot, don't you?" He replied nonchalantly, as if it was normal.

She snorted. "No seriously Malfoy, have you knocked your head? You're being civil, that's not normal. It's suspicious. " she stated while sipping her wine. Vaguely she could hear tapping of shoes bouncing on the mirrored floor, and laughing drunken students, for a minute she got lost in the happiness.

"For your information Granger, I would like to make a toast to new beginnings. " his honesty snapped her out of her reverie. New beginnings? What, getting drunk with an enemy is a new beginning? In the back of her mind, Hermione's less mature side told her to just go with it, while her responsible side is continuously shouting at her that she shouldn't have even open Pansy's damn invitation.

She huffed. "No funny business, just a shot. " picking it up, they clinked their glasses together and raised them before downing them. Hermione fought to keep a straight face as the golden liquid burned her throat, scorching her taste buds.

"Ugh that's foul!" She exclaimed while sculling the rest of her wine to dry drown the taste out. She heard him laugh heartily.

"You just have to get acquired to the taste. After a few, you'll get used to it. "

A few? She couldn't even handle the one.

"I don't think so Malfoy. I plan on walking out of here sober as I came. " t

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