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"So about last night..." He started.

"Yeah, what about it?" I questioned, starting to develop a nervous pit in my stomach.

"It was kinda uncalled for, I mean I was pretty tipsy." He said, starting to blush.

Maybe that's why we came to a dim lit restaurant, because he knew he'd be blushing a ton. I found it cute, to be honest.

"It shouldn't happen again." He added, sounding kind of dreary. "And I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started any of it in the first place."

He continued to go on about how he shouldn't have done it and how bad he felt.

"Harry," I interrupted, he kept talking, "Harry?" I continued, he did too, "Harry!" I said, overpowering his voice, and he finally stopped.

"What?" He asked.

"I never said I didn't like it." I laughed, now blushing.

"You never said what?" He looked at me with wide eyes.

"I liked it." I stated nonchalantly.

"And you let me get this worked up over it? Why didn't you stop me?" He questioned.

"Buddy.. I tried, you didn't shut up." I laughed.

"Oh...okay. So you actually liked that? I mean it was getting pretty heated.." Harry continued on with making me blush.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like you know what I do and don't like. And I just so happen to like that." I say and look over so I am not forced to make eye contact. 

We changed the conversation afterwards and enjoyed our meals with no sexual tension. Afterwards, we decided to just walk back to the boys' apartment. As soon as we stepped out of the restaurant, the crisp air hit my face and I immediately began to shiver as my teeth began to chatter.

"If I had a jacket, I'd give it to you. Just letting you know." Harry said, probably feeling embarrassed as he was the one who said it wouldn't be cold after dinner.

"Well I blame my coldness on you, just letting you know." I retaliated jokingly. 

Harry began to step closer to me and eventually turning so that my back was facing a wall. Not long after, my back was pressed against the wall and Harry's face was inches from mine. 

"Are you trying to make me feel bad?" He questioned, inching closer.

All I could do was stare ahead, mouth ajar, hands clammy, hair in face. I was now beginning to really regret my choice of taking my little bun out.

"Are you going to answer or are you going to stare at me like I'm your favorite superstar?" He questioned me again, but this time more jokeful. He lifted his cold hand to meet my burning cheek and just let it lay.

"Um not to ruin anything but I bet there are people staring at us right now.." I stated quietly as I didn't want them to see anything that I was about to do.

He backed away just about a foot and motioned to his right and left, "nope. No one. Not a single person."

I reached down and grabbed Harry's hand gently, then pulled him closer. This could've meant anything to him, maybe I just liked the body heat he was radiating, but that's not what I was going for. 

His face was yet again inches from mine, I moved my hand from his to his neck, pushing it slightly closer to me and then moving my hands up more to tangle in his hair. It was his turn to feel the feeling of speechlessness. 

I looked him dead in the eye, which was actually really hard as we were about an inch apart to begin with. His face dipped down and connected our lips, I hadn't realized how much I liked to kiss him.

His kiss took over me, igniting warmth throughout my entire body as our lips moved in sync. I melted like putty as he wrapped one arm around the small of my back and rested one hand upon my cheek. It felt like this kiss was lasting for eternity, but I didn't mind, I was just enjoying it.

Harry pulled back slowly, detaching our lips and letting the cold come back to me. I felt myself slightly frown but still go along with it. 

"So I don't know why that just happened." He said, grinning at me like a fool.

"Don't act like you didn't like it," I smiled and then began walking.

"Wait up, pal." Harry quietly yelled, running to catch up with me. When he did, he placed his arm around me as a sign of warmth overtake and we continued our walk back.


When we arrived back at the apartment, nearly everyone was asleep besides a half out Sav on the couch. The door was shut quietly behind us and I went to lay with Sav on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Harry whispered, obviously very confused at my actions.

"Um, going to sleep?" I stated, "I can't sleep with Niall because you'll get mad and I assumed you didn't want me to sleep with you?"

"I very much want you to sleep with me," he winked, "in both ways."

I rolled my eyes and followed him into his room. Once I entered, I immediately dove into the large pile of blankets heaped on the bed. 

"Yes, this is all I need." I peacefully moaned.

"That doesn't work as well to keep you warm," He said, pulling every last blanket off of me and leaving me to shiver.

"That is so rude. I better be extremely warm by the time you turn that light out or neither you or I will get any sleep." I now groaned.

Harry slowly entered the bed and tangled his limbs into mine. The warmth that came from the kiss we had shared not even an hour ago overtook me yet again, and I relaxed into his form.

"Better?" He whispered, I nodded in response.

"Thought so." He whispered again, moving my hair out of the way and gently connecting his lips to the curve connecting my shoulder and neck.

The room grew silent as the dark turned into sleep and that was the best sleep of my life.


hey everyone!!!! I reeeeally hope you enjoyed this chapter as i have been MIA for a while now so i tried to make this chapter long and good. thank you all for 12.6k views btw! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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