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I had been on an adventure day with Louis and Niall, when we came back to the shared apartment for warmer clothes as the Boston weather was becoming chilly and we were all in t-shirts. I ran through the halls of the area and was definitely not expecting someone to pop out, but was I wrong. Harry walked out of his room and bumped right into me. He started to apologize but I couldn't focus on the speaking. He was wearing black jeans, an ash grey v-neck, and a beanie that his bouncy curls popped out of.

"Carson..Carson?" He said, snapping me back into reality.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Did you hear any of that?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Honestly I did not." I shrugged, "what did you say?"

"That's not important." he sipped his tea, "what is important is what are you and Niall?"

"Niall and I," my turn to raise an eyebrow, "are nothing."

His eyes beamed after that, he texted me for hours after I grabbed jackets and left.


Later that night, Niall, Louis, and I stumbled in tiredly through the door. The rooms lighting was illuminated by the TV screen on the "Who's watching?" screen of Netflix, Harry was asleep on the couch. Niall and Louis went their separate ways to their rooms, as I walked over to Harry and nudged him awake.

"Hey dude, go to bed." I spoke softly, knowing he didn't like loud voices while he had just been woken up.

"Are you coming with?" He glanced up.

"I mean, I can." I shrugged. We both walked into his room.

I smelled the slight hint of alcohol on his breath, but I kind of liked him more like this. He was brave and cuddly. He pulled me into the bed with him and nuzzled his face into my neck. After a few moments of awkward neck nuzzling, he began to plant a soft trail of kisses up my neck and to my jawline.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I questioned, though I didn't really want him to stop. His lips were warm and soft against my skin.

"Just.. shhh." He placed his finger to my lips and continued on.

This went on for a few more minutes, I'd move my neck for more kiss occupancy, he'd gently kiss and graze with his teeth. It wasn't until about 10 minutes after he began that he finally made his way to my lips. I craved the affection I was receiving, I never wanted it to end.

After around 15 minutes of all of that, I gently pushed him off. Well, kind of, I was straddling him and I'm not sure how it came to be that way.

"Harry.." I whispered.  In response, he hummed a "Hm?"

"What is happening?" I asked, still in a hushed voice. Still on top of him with my hands on his chest.

"I have been dying to do that since we met." He whispered back. My lips tugged up into a small smile as I slowly got off of him.

"I didn't want you to get up." He put on a pouty face.

"And I don't want this," I said pointing between the two of us, "to escalate."

"Fair enough." He shrugged then turned to his side as if none of it happened.


I've always loved seeing the sun peek through closed blinds in the morning. The way the rays of sunshine beamed on Harry's sleeping face was just so picture perfect. I couldn't tell you how long I was admiring his prominent features before he woke up, but I didn't even remember him waking up. I just remembered him nudging me.

"Carson?" He whispered.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"What are you doing?"  He questioned in a hushed tone still.

"Admiring you, you're pretty." I spoke, making his lips tug into a small smile.

He propped himself up onto one arm and stared back with the same smile on his lips. His curls were all frizzed up in a matter of bed head. 

"Should we get up?" I asked, still in a whisper. At that moment, I smelt the strong smell of fresh tater tots. I didn't need Harry's approval, I immediately shot up and ran out the door.

"I smell tater tots!" I exclaimed, dragging out each word.

"I am indeed making them." Louis chuckled.  He had a plate full on the counter beside him and handed it right to me.

"For me? Why thank you!" I exclaimed as dramatically as possible.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Louis asked Niall and I as all three of us dug into our breakfast.

Lately, we had all been spending a lot of time together, which I wasn't complaining about. The two of them had practically become my best friends besides Sav, but I had this feeling that the other boys were starting to feel a little left out.

"We should all hang out today." I shrugged with a smile as the three other boys walked into the room.

"Well," Louis motioned between he and Niall, "that's kind of what we were getting at.."

"No, I meant all of us." I did the motioning, but between everyone now in the room.

"Oh.." He nodded in defeat. "What should we do though?"

"I got it!" Niall said, "Let's have an adventure day! Invite Sav, ok? Everyone go get ready."

Niall totally did not give anyone a say in this, which was fine by me anyways. I loved adventure days. They usually consisted of some weird drive, a picnic, and exploring things we've never explored before. I walked towards Niall's room as that's where most of my extra clothes were, and saw a glimpse of shirtless Harry out of the corner of my eye.



Hey everyone!! Thanks for reading this chapter! Got a lil Harry Carson action in there huh ;)

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