Phan pt 3

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"Maybe we should just tell them and get it over with then?" Phil said as a question.

"In this video?" Dan questioned.
"Maybe in the beginning of this video." Phil shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess we can" Dan replied simply.

"Actually, never mind that." Phil said, changing his mind, "Let's just make a separate video so we can do a special pinof and explain things more."

"Okay, let's do that" Dan quickly agreed.

"Let's restart it then." Phil said, and stood up to restart the video, but before he did anything asked Dan "wait. Should we delete it or save this footage?"

"Uh, I don't know." Dan said, "Probably just delete it, I mean, I'm not sure if we'll need it if we're going to redo everything anyway."

"Actually, maybe we won't have to redo everything." Phil said, "I'll just save it just in case, okay?"

"Okay, I guess that sounds fine" Dan agrees and Phil saves the footage from the camera before starting it again.

He then set it back onto the tripod again as it was filming and sat down on the bed next to Dan.

"Hey guys!" Phil smiled brightly as usual.

"Hello internet and welcome to... Philisnotinfire 8. We have a great video for you today, or tonight, or blah blah blah, whatever it is." Dan began, "But first, we have some big news, wanna tell them Phil?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." Phil nodded, taking Dan's hand for comfort. "This is probably the biggest news you guys will ever receive, but Dan and I...we're together." He said, pausing for dramatic affect.

Dan looked directly into the camera, feeling confident with Phil's hand in his, before saying "This is no joke"

Which, if they had been on YouNow live, would be about the time that everyone freaked out.

"Yeah, this may be a surprise for some of you" Dan said, "but really... who am I kidding? You all saw it coming, didn't you?" He laughed. "With all the 'Phan is real' and all the fanfictions" He explained, through laughs.

"You do good fanart and fanfiction, though." Phil chuckled, "Honestly, so artistic."

Dan nodded in agreement to that.

"And if you don't believe us," Phil said as he held up their linked hands, "I would kiss Dan but he's sick."

He then remembered something and just kissed Dan on the cheek, "Even though I had no resistance whatsoever today and I've already kissed him" he said cheekily.

Causing Dan to blush and quickly cover it up by getting out of the camera's view.

Normally, he wouldn't get so flustered, but this time, this time it was different.

Which was probably because it was on camera for the first time and he knew millions of people will see it.

"Awe, are you embarrassed?" Phil asked, smiling over at Dan in a childish way.

Dan tried to put on a straight face, as he said "no".

But like the MANY other stuff in his life, he failed.

And this, unlike the others, he wouldn't make a 'Reasons why Dan's a fail' video about.

Phil started to laugh and pulled him into the shot, taking both of Dan's hands and dragging him back to the bed. "It's okay, it's cute." Phil smiled.

"No it's not" Dan said, taking his hands back from Phil and using both of them to cover his face.

Phil rolled his eyes and took Dan's hands away, once again, but this time away from his face. "You are almost always cute, okay? Especially when you blush. Everyone thinks so too, but I guess we can edit it out if you want." He smiled reassuringly.

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