Phan pt 10

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Dan was pacing about the room where he and Chris stood currently, waiting 'til the moment that they will be called out and the actual ceremony will start. He continued looking up at the clock, which was conveniently placed on top of the door, every so often that not even a minute would pass between each glance. Don't get me wrong, Dan wasn't worried, worried no, a bit scared, yeah. But that didn't really matter. All soon to be married couples are like that. But luckily he loves Phil and Phil loves him and they will live a great life together as they did the first five years that they were together and everything will be great. Or as Chris keeps telling him about and reminding him, since him and Pj had already gotten married and they went through the same thing. Speaking of Pj, he's supposed to be with Phil as Chris is with him. Dan hoped that he was taking this better and knowing Phil, he probably was. He was always so level headed in this relationship.

"You'll be fine, you're going to be happily married and you'll be planning to have kids before you know it, and then in a blink of an eye those kids will be raised with their own kids and you and Phil will be sitting in your rocking chairs and you will be thinking 'Wow, I was so lucky to have a friend like Chris to calm me down.' And then you'll call me and Pj and thank us while we're on a cruise ship." Chris said with a chuckle. "And if it makes you feel any better, I'm sure Phil is either very calm, very excited, or terrified like you. Maybe even all three rolled into one."


Phil, like Dan, found himself pacing around the room. It was his only way of containing himself from exploding from a mix of joy and nervousness.

He then stopped and asked Pj, who was in the room with him, out of the blue, "Do you think he'll have any second thoughts?"

Dan stopped pacing and stood in front of Chris. Rolling his eyes at Chris's conceded-ness, but smiling nonetheless. He knew Chris was right. He knew that everything's going to go great, he's going to live a happy life with Phil and have kids and everything Chris said. Maybe even more. Phil always loved houseplants and he always wanted a Shiba, so he nodded in agreement and took a deep breath in before saying, "Knowing Phil, he'll be a perfect mix of the three" he chuckled and continued, "he's always been better at keeping calm and handling situations." He explained and upon finishing, a smile grew on Dan's face, since he started thinking about Phil, "He's perfect" he said, to no one in particular.

Pj looked as though he was thinking for a second before shaking his head and saying, "I don't think so. I mean, the wedding was all he would talk about for the past few weeks, months even. Well, that, as well as, you know, how perfect you are and how much he loves you and all that gushy stuff you guys-" he began then cut himself off as he added, with a grin, "And plus, Chris is with him right now. And if anything Chris will be there to reassure him. But I doubt it though. He's probably just nervous, I mean, your wedding day is a big deal." He reassured.

"So, my work was done right and you're calm now instead of wanting me to open a window for you to jump out of and escape through? Because I thought of that, but the drop was too high and you'd break your leg." Chris asked seriously.

Phil smiled at the first part. "I think he's the perfect one here. Even though he doesn't always think so." Phil smiled to himself. "And knowing Chris he's probably thought of many escape plans for him just in case none of his calming techniques work." He joked, mainly trying to calm himself down a bit, and hoping it doesn't have to resort to that.

Dan quickly shook his head, "No leg breaking, please." He said, not liking the idea of being wheeled out of his own wedding for breaking his legs by jumping out of the window. Which he wouldn't do anyway. He was okay. He was happy. They were happy. "No, it's alright Chris. Just last minute jitters" he responded, "I'll be fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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