Pham pt 4

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Phol smiled as he dragged his boyfriend up a hill.

It was a beautiful day outside, and Dam had suggested they went for a picnic, which was a great idea to Phol.

"Come on, slowpoke, the food will go bad by the time you get up here." he giggled from the top of the hill, setting down the basket and laying out the blanket.

"I'm so unfit" Dam groaned, as he was practically being dragged up a hill by Phol.

Whom, for some reason was actually happy for once to go outside whenever Dam said they should go out and have a picnic.

But, he Dam not to question it since Phol was actually okay with going and it was a very beautiful day.

So, he just smiled as they reached the top.

Phol smiled and kissed Dam.

"I really love you." He grinned happily before sitting down on the blanket.

It was very rare for Phol to be so happy, but ever since he met Dam, his life had changed.

It changed a lot.

He became happier and smiled more.

Phol usually hated going outside too, but Dam showed him how beautiful it could be.

So, with that, he was in a very good mood.

Dam giggled as they released from the kiss.

"I love you too" He said with one more small giggle as he sat down on the blanket across from Phol.

Smiling back at him as he slightly moved his fringe so it wouldn't cover his face.

It was bothering him and he couldn't really see with it blocking his eye.

'I really need a haircut' he thought, laughing to himself before returning his attention back to his boyfriend who was already unpacking the basket.

Phol took a white flower crown out of the basket and placed it on his own head as a sort of surprise for Dam.

"I got this to match yours." He smiled slightly as he took out the food Dam had packed.

"Wait, did you make chocolate covered strawberries?" He laughed slightly and Dam nodded, cheekily.

"You're cheesy, you know that?" He asked with a smirk, though both of them knew it wasn't a question.

"Awe Phol!" Dam exclaimed upon seeing the flower crown, "it's so cute! It suits you! I mean, it looks so cute on you!"

He was practically fangirling.

And even after dating for all this time, he still finds literally everything Phol does adorable.

Even though Phol doesn't think adorable would be the right word to explain himself and uses it more when he's talking about Dam.

Which Dam didn't mind.

He simply smiled at Phol as he pulled out the food and the strawberries.

He knew Phol would comment on the strawberries, but he loved them and Phol knew it.

So, Dam just giggled and said, "yes I'm cheesy. Very cheesy. But you love it!"

Phol smiled at him, "I really do. I mean, it wouldn't make sense if I didn't. I love absolutely everything about you, and I never want you to think for a second I don't." He said before taking the rest of their food out.

"That's good because I don't and I will never stop believing it. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. Including my favorite flower crown." Dam smiled. "Which you got me. No, correction, which was the first one you got me" He added with a giggle, "which makes it my favorite"

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