Phan pt 4

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-yo I'mma time-skip this-

Editing the video made Phil smile.

He could relive the happiest moment of his life, and share it with his subscribers.

No...more like friends.

"Surprise?" He put as a comment.

As soon as he uploaded it, comments started rolling in. "FIIIIRRRSSST!!1!!!!" a few of them said, to which Phil giggled at.

'Amazing, now watch the video.' He thought to himself and tweeted it out, putting it on Tumblr and Facebook as well.

It was starting off very well and the comments were nothing but supportive.

...until he refreshed the page.

'Wait, why were there more dislikes than likes?' He thought.

That wasn't supposed to happen.

So he refreshed it again and looked at the comments, hopping the likes were just a glitch or something because that many people couldn't possibly dislike the idea of them being together that much.

"Wow, I knew you two were fags all along." One read.

'What?' Phil thought.

No, that wasn't supposed to happen!

And suddenly the best moment in his life turned into the worst.

Phil was desperate.

He desperately looked for a positive comment.

Just one.

Just one would make him feel better about it.

All this negativity was getting to his head and he wished Dan was there to make him feel better.

Maybe sending him to rest so soon was a bad idea.

But he couldn't do anything about it now so he continued to scroll through the comments.

Scroll and refresh, scroll and refresh.

It went like that until he finally came across a jumble of positive comments that made him relax, even if it was just a little, they helped.

"Oh. My. God. Is this real? Is this a joke? IS THIS A JOKE LIKE THE V-DAY VIDEO?!?!?!?" It read and Phil smiled again before responding.
"Haha, not a joke! Neither was the V-day video. I hope you don't die from too much Phan!" He typed back happily and suddenly the users and Phil's response to their comment became number one in the comments section due to the amount of likes and replies.

From that moment on Phil calmed down and continued to reply to positive comments about his and Dan's engagement.

During that time Dan was trying to go sleep.

Having calmed down from before, but still continuing to think about the video.

Thoughts like: 'how's everyone going to react? Will they like it? Will they hate it? Will they hate us? Will they think it was just a big joke?' flooded through his mind until he finally took a deep breath in, trying to clear the thoughts out of his mind.

As his thoughts began to calm down, he turned from lying on his back to onto his side abs trying to find a comfortable sleeping position.

Phil happily walked into Dan's room, being as quiet as he could before getting in next to him and putting an arm around Dan to pull him closer to himself.

Phil wasn't tired.

Not at all.

But he sure liked to cuddle Dan.

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