Chapter 11

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Two weeks later

Mason's POV

We just finished moving into the house that Jason gave us and I was exhausted. I laid on the floor and and mom came and sat on the couch. "Exhausted?" "Yes, I didn't know we had so much stuff.." "Me either baby.." She looked around. "While you and uncle Paul were moving the couches in Jason called. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah I told he that we were moving so he said he'd call tomorrow." "Oh ok." "Well it's late honey, get up and get in the shower." "Alright." I went and took a shower then told my mother good night. My bed wasn't set up so I decided to sleep on the couch. While I was laying there I figure I'd say goodnight to Jason. I got my phone and called him. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey!" "Hey bud, finished moving?" "Yeah we moved everything in today." "You're going to be sore tomorrow." "I know, what are you doing?" "Just in the house." "What did you do today?" "I took the girls to the movies then to the zoo and came home." "Cool, so how old are they?" "The girls?" "Yeah." "11 and 6." "Oh.." "Mason?" Mom said. "Hold on Jason." "Ok." "Yes?" "Are you on the phone?" "Yes.." "Get off and go to sleep." "But mom.. Ok.." "Hello?" "I'm here." "Mom said I have to go to bed but I'll see you tomorrow." "I'll come and pick you and and we'll do something." "Alright." "Alright, goodnight." "Night." We hung up and I went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and helped mom put some stuff away. When we finished I went and took a shower. When I finished I got dressed and went to find mom. "Look who's here." She started. "Hey bud." It was Jason. "Hey!" I went and hugged him. "I wanted to talk to you about some stuff Jason." I said leaning on the counter. "What's that?" "I am your son." "Well aware of that." "So I would like if you came to my practices and brag and did all the stuff that mom does." Mom started laughing. "I'm serious, two parents are better than one." "Alright, I am going to try an make it to as many as I can." "Really?" "Yes, I'm going to let those people know who's child you are." I started laughing. "Ok." "Where's Beth?" He asked. "With my mother, its not safe for her to be here while the house is like this." Mom answered. "Oh ok.. Well I was going to take Mason to get something to eat, do you want to take a break from unpacking and come with us?" "No I'll just." "Come on mom!" "Mason.." "That's right mom, come on." She shook her head and we started laughing. "Well I have to shower then I'll be ready." She strolled away and I started laughing. "Mom!" "Shut up!" She kept strolling until she was out of the kitchen. When she left I looked at Jason. "Thanks for asking mom to come.. She doesn't go out much." "Why?" "Since my other dad passed away she has just been really detached. I don't want her to date but I don't want her to get depressed and sad." "No problem, but why don't you want her to date?" "And have some big burley douchebag come here and tell me and my sister what to do? I don't think so." "You don't want her to get lonely though." "She has us." "Listen bud, your mom loves you and I'm sure you and Beth make her really happy.. But sometimes your mom is going to need adult conversation." "I.. But.." I looked at him. "So you think she should get a boyfriend?" "If she wants one." "Ugh.." "I'm just saying, if she decided to get one give him a little respect." "Fine, she can have one.. But he's not allowed to stay over." "I see." "So what about you? So you have a girlfriend?" "No." "Why?" "It didn't work out." I looked at him for a minute. "Really? I may only be 14 but I have had a girlfriend. I know they trip." He started laughing. "She lied to me and I couldn't be with a woman like that." "Right." What happen to your relationship?" "She was a lying, cheating, disgusting person." "Wow.. What happened?" "She just wanted to be with the guy with the newest iPhone, the best clothes, and crap like that. She had sex with him and that was pretty much that." "Wow I'm sorry." "It is what it is.. I'm only 14 so I have time to find a new one." "How old was this girl?" "15 or 16." "So you like older women?" He smirked and I started laughing. "Yes." About 30 minutes later mom came into the kitchen. "Ok I am ready." "You look nice mom." "Thank you baby." "You're welcome." We made sure we had everything then we headed out to Jason's truck. "Can we go to one of those all you can eat places.. Because I need all I can eat." I smiled and mom started laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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