Chapter 8

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Mason's POV

Today I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered without looking. "Hey." It was Jason. "Hey Jason.." "You're sleeping?" "Yes.." "Sore from the game?" "Not really." "What are you doing today?" "Sleeping." "No that's not going to work." "Huh?" I sat up. "I need you and your mom to come over." "But why?" "Because we need to talk." "Ugh.. I'm going to shower and tell mom alright?" "Alright." I got up and took a shower. I threw my boxers on and went to find my mom. "Mom?" I went down to the kitchen. "Yes honey." "You're naked Mason!" Beth said covering her eyes. "I'm gonna get dressed in a minute munchkin." "Yes honey?" "Jason said we gotta come to his house cause he needs to talk to us." "About what?" "He didn't say." "Well you get dressed and we'll go." "Alright." I went and got dressed and told my mom I was ready to go. She told me to take the munchkin out to the car and get in so that's what I did. Mom came out a few seconds later and I text Jason for his address. He sent it and we left.

Jason's POV

Today when I got up I called my manager and told him to come over. When he got here I told him that I had a 14 year old son and he nearly passed out. "Explain this to me Jason." "Two years ago a kid came to one of my CD signings and asked if I knew who he was. I said no and long story short he left and that was that. Now a few months ago I seen him in the market and he asked me the same thing. Longer story short I accidentally hit him with my truck, got his blood, did a DNA test and he is my kid." "YOU RAN THE KID OVER JASON?!" "It was an accident and he is fine now." "Oh my god.." "Yeah soo.. I'm not hiding my kid so we have to get in front of this." "Ok..." "So how do you want to do this?" "We could do an interview.. We could do an interview with the mother." "I don't know about that.. I'd have to talk to her about it." "Right.. Or we can do an interview with you and the kid." "I'd still have to talk to his mother." "Right.. You should get them over here." "Alright." I called Mason and told him to come over with his mother and he said alright. Now we are waiting for them to get here.

(A/N I forgot Jason's manager name so I made something up.)

When mason and his mother got here I let them in. "Hey bud." I said. "Heyy." He took his sister and walked away so I looked at his mother. "Hey." "Hi." She kinda smiled and I instantly knew who she was. She was the guy I went to school with, Paul's youngest sister Allison. "You wanted to talk?" She started. "Yeah, right this way." I pointed and she walked away. "When the hell did I sleep with her?!" I thought. Paul is still one of my good friends, we go fishing together all the time. He has never told me about Mason. "I need to figure this out." I went to the kitchen with my manager and Allison and went in. "So what did you want to talk about?" She started. "Mason." "I would have never guessed that." She mumbled and I kinda laughed. "We need to talk about this because of Jason's career." My manager started. "This is my manager David McCall." "Nice to meet you." He said. "Like wise." "Ok so we have to get in front of this before TMZ and the tabloids get any wind of this." "Of what exactly." She looked at him with a blank look. "The kid." "His name is Mason." "Sorry I didn't mean any disrespect." "It's fine, what exactly do you want?" She looked at me. "Well I'm not going to hide my kid so we have to do an interview or something." "And tell them what?" "That you and Jason had a brief relationship 14 years ago and it didn't last. Y'all headed y'all separate ways.. You never told Jason about the baby until recently.." "But that's not true." "What's not?" "I told him about Mason and we did not have a brief relationship." I was shocked. "You didn't tell me about Mason." "I told your manager Kevin.." She looked around to see if Mason was anywhere around. "You threatened to sue me if I said anything about Mason." She whispered. "I never knew anything about that." "Ok." She shook her head. "I didn't." "Didn't what?" Mason came in with Beth. "Come here honey." Allison started. "Yes?" He walked over to her. "What do you think about doing an interview with Jason?" "For what?" Beth asked. "Hey honey I have some toys." "Really?" She smiled. "Yeah, they are in that room right there in the big bin." "Ok!" She ran off.

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