Chapter 10

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Jason's POV

After the interview I went home and my manager stopped by. "So the interview went well." Davis started. "Yeah, Mason did well." "Yeah and it was good that he didn't slip up and say anything." "Yeah." "This is good why aren't you happy?" He asked. "Because man, I don't know a damn thing about my kid." "Get to know him, it'll be fine." "I plan on it.. Do you know when they're going to air the special?" "Next month on the 13th." "Ok." We talked a little more than he left. I was going to go to Dale's house but Jessica called me and asked me to come over so we could talk to the girls. When I got there she let me in and we got right to it. "Ok girls mommy and daddy wanted to talk to you." "Are we in trouble?" Keeley asked. "No." "Ok about what?" "Remember the boy from the market?" I asked. "I remember that dumb boy." Keeley answered. "He's not dumb." Kendyl frowned. "He's nice, he gave me candy one time." "You're not supposed to take candy from strangers, right mom?" "He's not a stranger, he's Beth's brother." "Girls listen to your father." Jessica cut in and they looked at me. "Well his name is Mason." "I know, Beth told me." I shook my head and finished. "He's your brother too." They were just looking at me. "Do y'all have any questions." "How?" Kendyl asked. "His mom and I dated a long long time ago, before you girls were born." "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Keeley asked. "I'm really sorry I know I should have.. I just didn't know how." "I would have been nice to him at the store daddy." "I'm sorry." "Does that make Beth our sister too?!" Kendyl asked. "No." "Awe.. That's ok, I'll pretend anyway." "That's ok too." "Keeley what are you thinking honey?" "I don't know, its going to be weird having a brother." "It's going to take a little getting use to but it'll be alright." "And girls you know if anyone asked you any questions about him.." "We tell them to mind their business." "That's right." "Alright can you call him?" Kendyl asked. "You wanna talk to him?" "Yes." "What about you Keeley?" "Is he going to be nice to us?" "Yeah, he's going to love you two." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." "Ok yeah." "Alright." I took my phone out and call Mason. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey bud what are you doing?" "Just got home from practice." "Oh how was it?" "I can't complain." "Hey bud..?" "Yes?" "I have a few people that wanna talk to you." "Ok." I put the phone on speaker. "Hi Mason!!" Kendyl smiled. "Hey!" "Why didn't you tell me you was my brother when you gave me the Hershey bar?" "You had to go remember?" "But you still could have told me." "I'm sorry." He laughed. "Can I go with you sometimes?" "Where do you wanna go?" "I don't know, with you and Beth sometimes." "Yeah you can." "Really?!!" "Yeah, I don't see why not." "Ok!!" She was smiling hard. "Hold on." "Ok." She gave the phone to Keeley. "Hello?" She started. "Hey." "It's Keeley." "Ooh Mrs meany pants." "I'm not mean!!" "Yeah you are, you were about to kick my butt." "I was going to kick your butt a little bit.. But that was before I knew that you were my brother.. I'm gonna be so nice from now on." Mason started laughing. "Ok." "And you gotta be nice to dad or I'm going to kick your butt.. But only as a sister I'm going to still love you afterwards." "Ok deal." He laughed. "Can I hang out with you sometimes too?" "Of course, you're my little sister." "Really?" "Yeah." "Ok!" She gave me the phone back and I took it off of speaker. "Hello?" I said. "Yeah I'm here." "What are you about to do?" "Ride my bike to the food store." "I'll pick you up in a minute." "Alright I'll wait for you." "Alright I'm on my way." We hung Up and talked with the girls for a little while then I left.

Mason's POV

After football practice I was going to eat then go to bed but Jason told me he was coming. I told mom and she said alright. I texted him the address and waited for him to get here. About 20 minutes later he texted me saying he was outside. "Mom I'll be back in a little bit." "Alright honey, before you go kiss your sister good night." "Alright." I went to say goodnight to Beth but she was already asleep, I kissed her forehead and left. When I got out to Jason's truck I got in and he pulled off. "Hey bud." "Hey." "How was practice?" "It was alright. How was your day?" "It was alright. After the interview I just went and talk to the girls about you." "I take it they were happy?" "Yeah they can't wait to hang out with you." "Well I'll have to hang out with them soon." I looked out of the window.

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