Chapter 1

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Jason's POV

Today we were in Georgia to do a few shows. I guess today started off like any other day on tour, I woke up around 5 to do a local radio show. After that I had to go do a CD signing with the fans. When we got to the signing place it was already full of fans and I was kind of excited so I got things started and the fans poured in.

Mason's POV

"Dude there he is!" I looked around and seen Jason Aldean sitting at the table. "Cool." My friend Evan was a big fan of his but I had my own reasons for being here. "Thanks for coming with me." "No problem." I nodded and looked forward.

Jason's POV

Things were going well at the signing for the most part. Everyone was happy that I was there and asking me to make more shows closer to home. I was really considering it because I loved coming home. Its great playing all over the country but nothing can compare to that home feeling. I turned my thoughts off and went back to signing peoples things. "Come on." I smiled and a boy stepped forward. "Dude you're so badass! Everybody else sucks." He smiled. "Thank you." I kinda laughed. I signed his shirt and hat then he walked away and another boy stepped up. "Hey." He looked completely blank. "Hey how are you." "... Do you know who I am?" "No, I'm sorry have we met?" I kinda laughed but the boy just stared at me. "No." He was giving me a weird vibe. "Do you have something you want me to sign?" "Yeah." He took a picture out of his pocket and gave it to me. I looked at the kid then at the picture. "Where did you get this from?" "It's mine." This was a personal picture of me and some of my old friends. "Kid where did you get this from?" I was confused. "I just told you its mine." I looked at my cousin signaling for him to come over. The kid must have noticed because he turned and started to leave. "Hey kid!" Dale called out but the kid kept walking and he looked at me. "Get him." I mumbled and he went after the kid. I sat back down and looked at the picture. I didn't think about it too much more I just put it in my pocket and went on signing autographs. A few minutes later Dale came back and shook his head. "What happened?" I whispered and he came over and whispered in my ear. "I grabbed him and he got loose and took off running, his friend did too." "Damn.. ok thanks." I shook my head and went back to what I was doing.

Mason's POV

"Alright we got away." Evan said looking behind us. We stopped running and took a few breaths. "What did you do?" "Nothing." I said walking away. "You did something that guy was chasing us." "I don't know he just told him to get me." "Wow.. maybe he wanted to give us concert tickets." "Yeah right." I laughed and shook my head. Evan and I went to his mother's job and she took me home then they left. When I went in the house my three year old little sister came over to me. "Mas!!" She giggled and picked her up. "Hi Beth." I kissed her cheek and she giggled again. "Are you being good?" "Nope!!" She smiled big and it made me laugh. "You're lucky you're cute." I said putting her down and went to the kitchen. "Hey mom." She was sitting at the table with her head down. "Hi baby." What are you doing?" "Nothing, how was your day?.." She half smiled so I knew something was wrong. "Good. What's wrong?" She took a deep breath and looked at me. "We have to go stay with maw maw and paw for a while." "Why?" "Cause we have to move." "Because daddy died?" "Yeah.." "Oh.." "It's only for a little while." "It's alright mom." Since my father died our lives hasn't been the same. It's like nothing but bad stuff happens to us now. I shook my head and went and hugged my mother. "It's going to be alright mom.. this storm will pass right?" "That's right baby, it's only a matter of time." She hugged me tighter then let me go. I went up to my room and laid on the bed and just cried. Since my dad died things were falling apart and there was nothing I could do about it. I know we have to move because mom doesn't have enough money to pay the bills. She's working so hard and she still doesn't have enough. "I wish I was old enough to get a job so I could help out. Being 12 sucks!" I hit the bed and cried harder.

Late That Night.

Jason's POV

I finished the show now I am sitting on my bus looking at high lights. "Jason?" Dale said getting on the bus. "Yeah?" I looked at him as he sat down. "Awesome show tonight." "Thanks man." "No problem." "So what's up?" "What happened with that kid at the signing?" "Oh.. he asked me if I knew who he was." "That's why you told me to get him." He made a blank face and I started laughing. "I asked him if he had something he wanted me to sign and he gave me this picture." "Ok?" "It's of all of us back in high school." I showed him the picture. "Where the hell did he get that from?" "He said it was his." "How?" "I have no damn idea. I wanted you to hold him until after the signing." "Man that kid has to play football." "Why?" "Man I grabbed that kid and he almost took me off my feet." Dale looked confused. "How?" I laughed. "I went to pick him up by the legs but he put his hand under my arm and pushed me off like a QB." I died laughing. "It's not funny.. I'm like three times that kid's weight and he treated me like a ragdoll." I was still laughing. "What do you think he wanted?' "I don't know Dale." "What if that was your kid?" I stopped laughing and looked at him. "No." Dale started laughing and walked off of the bus. I didn't put anymore thought into that situation and went on watching TV.

Two Years Later.

Mason's POV

Football practice was over so I went to the parking lot and waited for my mother. While I was waiting a blue truck pulled into the parking lot and parked. I didn't see who got out of it and I didn't care I just went over and looked at it. I moved around the front to get a better look. "Nice." I nodded my head and sipped the water I had. "Hey!" Some tall guy came over to me. "What are you doing?" "Admiring the truck." "You've seen it now move." "You do realize this is the schools parking lot right?" "I didn't ask you that I just told you to move!" He snapped and I started laughing. "Get out of my face man." "I'm not going to tell you to move again." "What are you going to do?" He tried to grab my arm but I grabbed his hand and bent it backwards. "You shouldn't hit people you don't know." I twisted his arm to the back of him and forced him onto the hood of the truck. "Now I am going to let you go and I don't want any shit from you." As I let him go he turned and tried to hit me. I moved and punched him in the face. "Mason!!" My mother yelled and ran over to us. "He started it I was just looking at the truck." "Go get in the car." I wanted to stay but I knew she meant business cause she never looked at me. I went and got in the car but I kept my eyes on her. After a minute of talking my mother slapped him and walked away. She came and got in the car and pulled off. "What happened?" "He asked me out on a date." "What?!" I was trying to be pissed but my mother started laughing. "My fourteen year old son kicked his forty year old ass and he wants to take me on a date." "He started it." "I know he told me." "What?" I died laughing. "What happened Mason?" "I was just looking at his truck and he came over and started yelling at me then he tried to hit me." "I guess those karate lessons paid off." She laughed and it made me laugh too. "Well grandma has Beth so you wanna stop at the market and get some snacks?" "Yup." "Alright." I turned on the radio and jammed out until we pulled into the markets parking lot.

Jason's POV

I'm off tour for about three months and I am absolutely bored. I'm thinking about going on a trip but I'm not sure where I'd go. Right now I am on my way to the market so I can get a few things to put on the grill. When I got into the market things were going well until I noticed a few people looking at me. I went on with my shopping then a few of the people from before came and asked if we could take some pictures. I said yes then I went on doing what I was doing. I was getting some stakes when I noticed a kid with a football uniform on. He walked pass me and got some chips then pass me again and got a soda. I guess he felt me looking at him cause he looked at me. He was just looking at me and it gave me a weird feeling so I decided to look away. I guess it was too late cause the kid was walking over to me. "Hey." "Hey." I looked at the kid. "What were you looking at?" "Your uniform, I see you play football.." "Um.. Do you know who I am?" "Have we met?" "Yeah." "When?" "A while ago.. hey I'll catch you later." He exhaled and started to walk away. "Wait.' I said and touched his shoulder. "Yeah." He looked up at me. "Should I know who you are?" "Yeah." "So tell me." He exhaled and shook his head. "I'm your son."

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