-Act 2-

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(Scene 1) 

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(Scene 1) 

Night falls upon the white house, enter Lady M and Macbeth outside the room of President Duncan.

Lady Macbeth: So, you'll do it?

Macbeth: Yeah I guess so, but I'm not so sure about this honey. I don't really hate Duncan, I mean he even gave me a medal of honor earlier today and gave me a drink. Heck, he'd even support me at the next election. Do we have to kill him?

Lady Macbeth: Yes, it's the only way cause there is no other logical way. If we don't kill him then I won't become vice president, and you won't become president.

Macbeth: But what about-

Lady Macbeth: Silence! Did you bring the knife?

Macbeth pulls out a knife as instructed and holds in front of her.

Macbeth: This knife? I thought it wasn't real when I saw it, are you sure we need to kill him?

Lady Macbeth: Yes, now listen carefully because I'm only going to say this once. Take the knife, stab him in the chest about 6 or 7 times, make sure you cover his mouth so it's silent, and then report back to me. I've got everything taken care of security wise, there shouldn't be any trace of what has been done once it has been done. Now go! Off with ye! (Macbeth exits) Hopefully my husband doesn't screw up this simple job. (A faint sound of a single shot of gunfire is heard) Uh oh.

Macbeth enters, covered in blood

Lady Macbeth: What did you do?!

Macbeth: Oh man, I shot President Duncan in the face!

Lady Macbeth: Why the fuck did you do that?!

Macbeth: I-I wasn't able to cover his mouth with anything when I was about to stab him a couple hundred times!

Lady Macbeth: Your hand! Your hand!

Macbeth: S-s-so I used the gun next to his night stand, got to at least credit amendment 2 r-right?

Lady Macbeth: Guns are not silent you idiot! Guns kill people and wake people when fired!

People are heard approaching

Macbeth: Honey, what do we do? I don't want to go to prison!

Lady Macbeth: Give me the tools you fool, I'll smear blood on the Secretary and Speaker candidates. Get out of your tux, and stay silent! Let your wife handle this. God if you want to die right you gotta do everything yourself.

Exit Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

Exit Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

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(Scene 2)

Malcolm and MacDuff enter at the runway of a private airport. The two have been framed and have escaped to the airport before the authorities could begin their investigation.

Malcolm: We've got to get out of here MacDuff, the cops are going to find us as the murderers of Duncan, our enemies are too powerful with their lawyers and filthy money. We must flee the country

MacDuff: Where do we go?

Malcolm: We'll split up! I'll flee to Canada, as my friend I think you should be the one to go to Mexico. Macbeth shouldn't find you there, he plans on building a hundred foot wall on the border, I think you'll be fine in the nest where he spits.

MacDuff: 100 foot wall? Macbeth has lost his mind, he's gone mad!

Malcolm: Farwell MacDuff, I'll contact you as soon as we're safe. We must do something about that foul Macbeth. We'll find our way even if it means death.

Exit Malcolm and McDuff

-End of Act II-

McDunkin' Dough-Nuts: Macbeth ReloadedWhere stories live. Discover now