-Act 1-

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Enter Macbeth and Lady Macbeth entering Macbeth's office.

Macbeth: At last, the time has officially come my dear lady Macbeth. I have finally put an end on the pointless war on terror. I doubt that anyone else could've done it any better.

Lady Macbeth: Oh, sweet heart. This calls for a celebration in the dining hall!

Macbeth: Not so fast my dear wife, the day is still young. We must now focus all of our efforts on the election. With this achievement under my belt, I'm sure to win this time.

Lady Macbeth: Oh, about that. The election has been rigged already.

Macbeth: What!?

Lady Macbeth: According to an internet troll thread, the race has been rigged for President Duncan to remain in office along with his appointment officers. His vice president is Donalbain, Speaker is Macduff, and Malcom is secretary. But it does say that you'll have the second highest position in the senate, along with a good chance for next time.

Macbeth: Preposterous! Doesn't congress understand the efforts I've done to put an end to terrorism.

Lady Macbeth: We can always kill the president and frame the cabinet members?

Macbeth: Lady Macbeth!? ... is everything alright with you?

Lady Macbeth: Think about it dear, we have ties with a lot of people here in the white house, that's why conspiracy theorists exist. They know the truth, but people think that they're crazy. With our ties and a few bribes we can pull off more scandalous shit than Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton with one hand behind our backs.

Macbeth: Well, I guess... I mean... What? I... oh okay I guess... it'd be a pretty crazy idea... a bit risky but... at least let me think about it.

-End of Act I-

McDunkin' Dough-Nuts: Macbeth ReloadedWhere stories live. Discover now