Drag Me Out Alive

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Reject's POV

"Michael!  Hurry the fuck up!" Luke grabbed Michael's arm and practically shoved him inside the car, "You don't need another jacket."

"Yes I do!" He struggled against Luke's grasp, "Just one more!  I need it!"

I tugged on Michael's sleeve, "Meds." I reminded him.

"Oh!  That's right!" He dug around in the glovebox and pulled out a little bottle.

With a few short taps, two small tablets were out and given to me.  I quickly swallowed them.  I've gotten so used to taking it, I don't even need water to help swallow my medication. 

Today we are leaving for Sydney, Australia.  Tour starts there in a couple days.  Tomorrow we're going to visit the parents of the boys and then they're going to play the first show of the tour.  From then, we're going to be on tour for the next three months.

"Alright!" Ashton opened the door and hopped into the seat next to me, "Let's go!"

Calum put on some Green Day for the drive and we sang along to the classic punk rock.  They all were surprisingly awake for 6 in the morning.  We had to leave early since it took about 15 hours to fly from California to Australia.  This is going to be my first time on a plane.

All the luggage was put in the cargo section of the plane, it was time for us to board.  My heart fluttered.  I can't believe I'm actually doing this.  I'm going to go flying.

"You okay?" Ashton asked me as he buckled himself in.

"I guess." I said and gripped the armrests, "I'm kinda nervous about flying."

"We've flown a million times.  You're going to be just fine." Ashton assured me.

I yawned.  I felt really tired all of a sudden.  Maybe it's because I stayed up until one in the morning drawing so I only got 4 hours of sleep.

"Go to sleep." He said, "You'll feel better afterwards."


I was awoken to feeling bounced and thrown around.  My eyes flew open and I clung to Ashton.  What's happening?  Are we crashing?  Is everyone going to die?

"Sweetheart, we're just landing." Ashton put his hand over mine, "Sometimes it's a bit bumpy.  I can't believe you slept through the whole flight."

After the landing, we went to a little restaurant and ate some food.  It was about 3 PM.  I was feeling wide awake and pretty good.

"Are you okay with staying with Michael for the night?" Ashton asked me, "I've got some early morning commitments and I think it would be best for you to sleep in with Mikey and get over any jet lag you might be feeling."

"Yeah!" Michael gave me a high five, "Quality time with my little sister! We're gonna watch horror movies all night!"

"No you're not." Ashton grumbled, "Don't make me regret letting you take care of her."

"You won't!" The boy with bright hair promised, "We're going to have a fun- but safe and educational- time. Right Jasey Rae?"

I nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, exactly. You don't have to worry."

The boy's chauffeur gave us a ride to Michael's place, which was a pretty standard 2 story suburban house. On the way there I took in all the sights of Australia. It's gorgeous. The blue of the sky looked and felt entheal. So many different people were scattered throughout the city. I love it.

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