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therealjosephmorgan: i was summoned into this group chat by you...uh why?

natebuzz: a couple of days ago bella
and i did the kissing scene where we
reuinted and i loved it

therealjosephmorgan: listen, you
haven't had a real on-screen kiss that major before right? so maybe it was weird to you.
she has a boyfriend nate, bella isn't some
girl you can flirt around with

natebuzz: ugh yeah i know, but i
know on-screen kisses are nothing
in real life. but the one I shared with
bella, it felt so surreal. it was like she
felt something too

therealjosephmorgan: no offense
buddy, but she's way out of your league.
bella's the girl that has to come to you first;
i'm not saying you're not a great looking
guy or whatever, it's just that bella sets
her standards very high

natebuzz: but the only reason
they're going out is for the publicity!!
it's not like they love each other in
real life

therealjosephmorgan: maybe
they do love each other. it doesn't
seem fake to me. just let them be for
now okay? and if things get weird
rude with tyler, we'll deal with him

natebuzz: the crush i have for her is
eating away at me. i don't know if i
can keep it in any longer. whenever
i see her i just want to kiss her

therealjosephmorgan: i'd rather
have you be dating bella rather than
tyler, but we can't control love

natebuzz: fine. but good thing we'll
kiss again in another episode :)

therealjosephmorgan: oh little
baby nate


i'm hella tired right now so i'm going to bed. goodnight lovelies <3

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