Chapter 27

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Maya's POV
This bed is the most uncomfortable thing I've ever slept on. The floor is more comfortable than this which is actually a pretty good idea. I sat up and looked at the clock. Two thirty in the fucking morning.

I rolled over so that I could flick on the light to the bedside table lamp. I pulled the string and the light flicked on. Turning over I must have still been dreaming because there was Erik. Shirtless and I must admit looking pretty gorgeous siting at the end of my bed.

"Um hi" I said

He had his head down and when he heard my voice his eyes quickly snapped up to look into mine.

"Hey" he said

"Can I help you?" I asked

He shrugged his shoulders before scooting next to me and laying down on my other pillow. I didn't really want to be laying in the same bed as Erik. It was pretty awkward if you know what I mean.

"Listen Maya I know you have someone and all but I really like you" he said

My eyes popped out of my head wen he said that. He LIKES me?! Oh no no no! Why the hell do how guys keep falling for me? I'm not pretty! Why me god why me?! I rolled out if bed and quickly scurried away from him. He noticed my sudden reaction and scrambled up.

"Maya this doesn't change anything I just needed to tell you how I felt" he said

I started pacing around the room like a mad woman. This can't be happening I mean why me? Why now? Why EVER?! He was supposed to help me escape not shed the light on his emotions! I ran my fingers through my knotted hair as I squeezed my eyes shut.

This is still a dream this is still a dream.

"Maya relax" he said

"This isn't real this isn't happening. YOU'RE not here and I am dreaming this" I spilled

"Maya this is reality. Reality means you can't control how you feel and I'm sorry if this puts a damper on things but would you rather I hold it in?" He asked

"Yes!" I yelled

"Well I couldn't. I had to tell you Maya I had to." He said

"Well what exactly did you expect to happen? Did you expect me to fall into your arms and admit my hidden love for you?!" I yelled

"No! Well I hoped but that's not the point! The point is we are friends and friends stick together" he said

"Not when a friend could wanna get in your pants!" I yelled

"I never said I wanted to get in your pants!" He yelled throwing his arms in he air

"Either way you wouldn't!" I yelled back

He flopped face first on the bed obviously frustrated with my childish behavior. Yes I admit I'm being childish but seriously why did this have to happen to me!? I've been a good girl haven't I?

"Look all I'm saying is I like you so let me help you get out of here" he said

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I was hesitating but what was I hesitating to say? Did I want his help? If I said no he might tell Mike but if I said yes I might have to risk my life for his. Going solo during an escape was always best because you only had you to worry about.

"Well?" He asked

I groaned before walking to my closet and banging my head against the door a few times. This was do not how I wanted to wake up but apparently that's not why Erik had in mind.

"Fine you're in" I said

He grinned happily before hopping off the bed and making his way to the bathroom. He walked in and close the door behind him. I sighed and leaned against the wall. I feel like my life was getting so messed up it wasn't even funny. Someone please tell me what I did to deserve this.

He walked out of the bathroom stretching his back as he did. He rubbed the back of his neck before grabbing a pillow and a small blanket and laying down on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked

"Going to sleep now shush" he said

I glared at him before kicking him in the side and stomping to my bed. Stupid vampires messing up everything. I swear to god when I get out of here ill kill him. I climbed in bed and laid down on the pillow before pulling the cover on over me. I looked up at the dirt ceiling, watching a little speck of dirt fall out of place and land on the bed side table.

"By the way I mostly came in here to tell you our boyfriends looking for you" Erik said

I sat up and looked at him with wide eyes. He had his eyes closed and his mouth parted open a but. One hand was behind and the other draped onto his stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?!" I yelled before throwing a pillow at him, catching him off guard and hitting him straight in the face.

"I had to get that off my chest first" he mumbled into the pillow.

I groaned and flopped my face into my pillow, hopefully succeeding in suffocating myself. Unfortunately it wasn't working out that way. I let my eyed droop as sleep started to take over before a whistle went off. I scrambled up and fell onto the floor. I looked up to see Mama with a whistle in her mouth and a smile plastered onto her face.

"Get up time for chores" she said

I stood up and flailed my arms in the air totally pissed off. I need my beauty sleep and everyone keeps interrupting it!

"What do you mean one for chores?! It's three in the fucking morning!" I yelled

"Yeah you slept in" Mama spat back

I grumbled under my breath before walking out of my room with my cleaning materials and into the kitchen. She pushed me on my hands and knees quickly making me stumble forward onto my face. I groaned and rubbed my cheek before looking up at her.

"Let's go ladies I want the floors spotless by the time Master gets up in the morning" she said

"Yes Mama" everyone said, everyone but me.

She glared at me before carrying her flabby roll self over to where I was on the floor. She bent down so she was towering over my but her face was close to me. I could smell her fowl breath against my face making me want to gag.

"Got it?" She said, sending spit to fly on my face.

I glared at her as I wiped the spit off my face. We had a mafia stare down for what seemed like forever before I nodded.

"Yes Mama" I growled at her

She smiled before walking out of the kitchen and down the hall. I glared at the direction she left as I angrily scrubbed the floor. She's human so why the hell does she think she's any better than the rest of us? I looked down at the floor and continued to scrub. My hands turning brown from the dirt I was picking up off the ground. I picked up my bucket and dipped my sponge in the dirty water only to send it back to the floor to pick up the dirt. I hate this so much.

"So you're Mike's slave?" Someone from behind me asked

I turned around to see who was talking to me to see a small fragile girl scrubbing the floor behind me. She had curly red hair that went to the middle of her neck and sea green eyes. She was short probably like five foot two inches like geez this girl was short.

"Yeah" I said as I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion.

She nodded and went back to scrubbing. She looked so young she didn't even look like she was sixteen yet maybe not even fifteen. I sat on my knees and watched her as her small hands dragged her sponge across the dirty floor. She looked up at me with a blank stare. She looked broken but how could you blame her?

"How old are you?" I asked

"Fifteen" she said

Ding ding ding. Told you so.

My eyes went wide as she sat up and dipped her sponge in the bucket. She sat there for a minute just watching the water in he bucket swirl around as he moved her hand inside the bucket. Her eyes seemed empty and emotionless. Her face blank and dead. She seemed so lost and it broke my heart.

"This will be you soon" she said

I furrowed my eyebrows together In confusion but she opened her mouth to answer my question.

"Mama will drain the emotion out of you. She will break every none in your body every sliver of hope we be pulled out of you. Your master will fuck you till you're numb and can longer fight back. You'll be like me soon enough and It won't hurt anymore" she said as she took her sponge out of the bucket and scrubbed the floor again.

My breathing had stopped and it was now caught in the back of my throat.
A lump and formed where my breath was caught. I tried to swallow it down but I couldn't get it to go away. My palms became sweaty an my words were taken from my mouth. How were you supposed to respond to a little girl saying that? I had no words I could only sit there and try to breath.

"There is hope" i said

She shook her head and picked up her bucket before emptying it in the sink. She refilled it while washing off her sponge.

"I have been her for two years. Nobody is looking for me nobody is going to save me. Learn to accept it and it'll get easier" she said as she turned off the water and carried her bucket to the counter.

"I don't believe that. I'm sure there's people wondering where you are" I said

"I'd hide your hope before everyone around here crushes it" she said

She got off the floor and picked up her bucket and threw her sponge in it. She walked out of the kitchen and headed down the hall leaving me by myself in the kitchen. I looked down and my sponge that was lying on the floor in a small puddle of water. It's like she was purposely trying to make me feel this way. To feel like I was trapped and there's no way out.

I grabbed my sponge and threw it in my bucket before getting up and making my way down the hall the young girl went. She was spraying the mirror and wiping off all the dust. She looked at me to just huff and turn back to the mirror.

"What do you want?" She asked

"What's your name?" I asked

"Why the hell do you care?" She asked

I shrugged my shoulders as I pulled out my duster and dusted pod the vases displayed over the fire place. She watched me for a minute before continuing to wipe the spray of the mirror.

"Evelyn" she said

"What?" I asked looking over at her

"My name is Evelyn Rossy" she said

"I'm Maya Dow" I said

She shrugged her shoulders before she picked up her broom from the corner and started sweeping the wooden floor. I looked at her frail body as she struggled to stay on her feet. Her stomach looked small her body seemed to be made up of bones and skin, very few muscle on her body.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked

"How long has it been since you actually ate?" I asked

"Well I ate a piece of bread five days ago" she said as she leaned all her weight against the wall

"Come with me" I said as I walked over to her and grabbed her wrist

She followed behind me as I dragged her to the kitchen. She looked concerned as if she knew what I had in mind but she didn't dare say anything. I'm sure she was fighting herself right now on this. She was hungry I knew that. If Mike has a problem he can take it up with me I honestly don't care anymore.

As we reached the kitchen I walked over to the cabinet closest to me and opened It up. I pulled out a box of Mac n cheese and grabbed a pot. Placing it under the running water I filled it up until it was filled up enough and then put it on the burning stove.

"Are you stupid or something?" She asked me

"You know most polite people would say thank you" I said as I turned around and leaned against the counter.

"You're going to get into huge trouble with Mike you know that right?" She asked

"I really don't care anymore" I said

She shrugged her shoulders and watched me poor the box into the boiling water. I stirred up the noodles and waited about seven minutes until I tasted it. Being satisfied I put the drainer in the sink then emptied the noodles in the drainer. I then threw the noodles back in the pot before adding the necessary ingredients.

"That smells so good" she said as she leaned over the pot and took a whiff.

I heard her tummy growl as I set a bowl on the table for her. She immediately sat down and shoved spoonfuls into her mouth trying to savor the taste but not being able to as her stomach begged for more.

Suddenly I heard a hissing noise come from the kitchen door way. Both Evelyn and I snapped our heads up to look at who made that sound. My heart dropped to the floor when I saw who it was. Mike stood there glaring at Evelyn with a spoonful of food in her mouth.

"You little.." He started

"I forced her to eat it!" I blurted out

Mike snapped his eyes to me and so did Evelyn. Gratefulness clouding her eyes while Mike's held pissed off. He hissed in fury as he stomped over to me. I cowered back in fear as he grabbed my wrist. He dragged me towards my room as I looked back to see Evelyn rise to her feet.

I shook my head to tell her not to say or do anything to intervene with whatever Mike had planned in his twisted little mind. Whatever it was i would have to pay the price for me "bad deed". Because feeding a young girl who's starving to death is so bad geez hope he goes easy on me.

He dragged me into the room and slammed the door shut behind me. I didn't move I just stared at the wall I was facing as he came around me to block my view if the wall. I didn't dare look him in the eyes I just stared at his chest while I planned his funeral.

"What the hell do you think you're doing" he hissed

I didn't answer I just stared.

"You little bitch answer me!" He yelled while grabbing on of my arms and gabbing my chin harshly forcing me to look at him.

"Something kind! Not like you would know what that means!" I yelled back

"You're weak!" He yelled as he pushed me against the wall and walked towards the bed.

"Well you're cruel" I spat back

He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. I back away slightly until I was firmly pressed against the wall.

"I could have killed you at any second but I let you and your little friends live. I even let Lucien live" he hissed

"That's not kindness! The fact that you call letting your brother love kindness is just evidence that you're cruel!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

His face went from pissed off to serious. He looked at me with cold hollow eyes as he approached me. I didn't want to show fear but at this point it was radiating off of me. I backed up against the wall as much as possible as he came face to face with me.

His nose brushed against mine causing me to shudder with disgust. He suddenly slammed his hand on the wall next to my head causing me to flinch. He smirked before bringing his lips to my ear.

"You've been a naughty girl" he said as he gripped my hips.

"I'll have to punish you" he hisses

He pushes me against he wall more and before his lips descend in mine an alarm goes off. Mike freezes as the alarm rings throughout the tunnels.

"We're under attack" someone yells from outside in the hall


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