Chapter 12

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Maya's POV

I walked to my little drawer of clothing and slipped on a pair of black shorts and a purple skin tight shirt. I slipped on some black high heels and walked to the bathroom. I took my curly hair and let it flow down my back out of the ponytail it was in and spoiled some brown eyeshadow, mascara and black eyeliner on the top and bottom of my eye

Lucien walked in wearing a white shirt and faded jeans with some biker boots. He looked sexy but I was on a mission to find out the truth and there was no time for distractions.

"Maya are you in here!" He yelled

I walked out of the bathroom and leaned against the wall, placing my leg up an my foot against the wall seductively. He turned around and gaped at my appearance.

I smiled knowing I was succeeding in my plan.

"Welcome back. How was the meeting with your dad?" I asked

"It was um it was fine" he stuttered

"Oh it was?" I asked as I slowly walked over to to him.

He gulped as I circled him like prey. If I wasn't trying to accomplish something I would certainly say this was fun as hell. When I had reached the front of him again I slowly trailed my hands from his chest down to his torso.

"What's the matter baby?" I asked

"God I love you" he groaned

I pushed him towards he bed until he tripped and landed on his back on the soft mattress. I climbed on top of him till I was straddling his hips.

"Baby does anybody else make you feel this way?" I asked as I moved my hips against his erection.

"No baby nobody" he said

"Liar" I said as I grabbed some rope and seductively tied his hands to the head board and his feet to the other end of the bed.

"Maya what are you doing?" He asked

I got off him and kicked the heels off and threw my hair into a messy bun. He struggled to break the rope but had no luck.

"What is up with you and Annabella?'' I asked

"Nothing!" He yelled

"Getting defensive now are we?" I asked

"You really tied me up for questioning?" He asked

"Yeah" I said

"Dammit you little tease" he groaned

"Sorry Lucien" I said

"Maya why would you think something's going on between me and Annabella?" He asked

"You get weird when I mentioned her and when I did you took off" I said

"So?" He said

"I went to your dads office to see where you were. I asked him where you went to dice you weren't there he said you were with Annabella" I growled

"Look Maya I did lie but there is a reason for it" he said

"Right that you're seeing her" I yelled

"No! Look Maya if you untie me ill show you. I promise" he said

I paced around before giving up. Im couldn't say no to him. He's so lucky I love him.

"Maya you need to understand I don't like to lie to you but of I do it's to priest you" Lucien said as I untied his right hand.

"Lucien you shouldn't lie to me anyways" I said as I united his left hand

He at up and united his feet before slipped out of bed and standing up.

"You're right I shouldn't but it was to protect you Maya I swear" he said

"Okay Lucien I believe you but now you need to prove you weren't seeing her" I said

He took my hand in his and led me down the hall out of his suite. We walked down the corridor towards the slave part of the mansion. Every slave bowed as we walked by and it made me feel really uncomfortable. God this place could be horrid at times. We walked into the hospital area and to the front desk.

"Annabella" Lucien said

The lady bowed before taking us to a room where Annabella sat. She was sitting on a bed looking down at her hands as her body was slowly become pale.

"What happened to her?" I asked

Lucien didn't bother answering he just walked us into the room. Annabella lifted her head and smiled as I got closer.

"You're here" she said

"Yeah I'm here''I said

I sat across form her on the bed and looked at her pale face. Her eyes seem dark and the bags user her eyes were fading. He skin was becoming pale and her beautiful hair become blonde.

"What happened to you?" I asked

"Mike is what happened" she growled

"What did he do to you" I said my vice getting angry

"He turned me! Into a vampire!" She yelled

My eyes opened and I became fully aware. I noticed the fangs in her mouth starting to become sharper. She was changing and she would now be one of them. The thing we both despised. I love Lucien I do but the other vampires have shown no humanity in them at all.

"Oh god Annabella I'm so sorry" I said

Tears filled her eyes as realization kept hitting her that she was turning into the thing she hated.

"Lucien there has to be a way to stop it" I said

He shook his head before stepping out of the room. He was visibly upset that much I could comprehend.

Annabella laid down as she cover her nose.

"Maya I'm not trying to be rude but get out. I can barley hold myself back from feeding off of you" she said

"Annabelle let me help..." She suddenly lunged at me and pinned me to the ground.

I screamed in terror as I fell to the floor. She fought with me on the ground and she struggled to sink her teeth into my neck.

"Annabella get off of her!' Lucien yelled

He grabbed Annabella and yanked her off me. He wrapped his arms around her to kept her restrained. I scurried to my feet and backed away towards the wall. Annabella hissed at me as she struggled to get out of Lucien's grip and to her meal.

"Annabella enough!" Lucien yelled

That was enough to snap her out it. He black eyes went back to a dark brown and her fangs shortened. Her face softened and she straightened herself out of a pouncing position. Lucien slowly let her go as Annabella gained back control.

"I'm so sorry Maya" she said

I nodded quickly as I tried to was away to terror that had built inside me. Annabella walked to the bed and suddenly Penny walked in looking...... Pale. Shit!

"Guess who got turned into a vampire" she squealed

"Is that supposed to be a good thing?" I asked

She glared at me before walking over to Lucien. She put her hands on his chest seductively and ran them down to his torso.

"Back off" he hiss before pushing her away.

"Now me and Lucien can be together legally" Penny chirped

"Penny I seriously doubt he would want to be with a bitchy whore like you" Annabella said

Lucien and I began I laugh as Penny screams and stomped away. Damn what the hell was up with he slaves becoming vampires?


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