Chapter 7

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Maya'a POV

I walked around town with Mike since Lucien was busy today. He was taking me out for a day of fun since he had nothing better to do today either.

"So what's up with you and Lucien?" He asked

"What nothing!" I squealed

He chuckled and continued walking.

"Believe me it's kind of obvious" he replied

"I really don't know what's going on. It's illegal and it would never work but I can't just push my feelings away. If I do I'll be consumed by pain once again." I said

He slung his arm around my neck and brought me into a playful headlock. I laughed as I tried to get free.

"What I don't make you happy!?" He said as he rubbed my head with his knuckles

I got loose and shoved him a but and continued walking to the ice cream shop. When we arrive there were a few kids picking out some ice cream flavors. They all looked to be about 10 years old and they were all definitely vampires.

"Why are you staring at children?" Mike asked

"I wasn't staring at them" I said defensively

"Then why were you looking at them for a long period of time?" He asked

"Vampires eat people food right?" He asked

"Right" he said

"We'll how come I haven't seen a single vampire drink somebody's blood?" I asked

He chuckled and walked up to the counter to look for an ice cream flavor. He ordered a cookie dough and turned back towards me.

"Things are different from your campground. Most vampires are blood thirsty savages like you make us out to be your kind just assumes it. Plus the diseased vampires don't help'' he said

"Diseased vampires?'' I asked

"I'll explain in a second. You see we drink blood but it's either from a volunteer or from a slave. Diseased vampires are basically what you humans would consider crazy. Diseased vampires need to drink blood as much as possible from anyone. It's like an addiction." He said

"What makes you a diseased vampire?" I said

"It runs in your blood. You can fight it and that's how you cure it but very few vampires can fight the thirst" he replied

"So you guys can live off of human food?'' I asked

"Technically but blood makes us stronger and feel better its a satisfaction to us" he said

"So who do you drink blood from?" I asked as I payed for my chocolate death ice cream

"I drink from my slave Annabella" he said

"Your slave is Annabella?" I asked

"Yeah why?"

"I'm just warning you now but it you hurt her ill kill you" I said

"A friend of yours I'm guessing. Relax Ild never hurt Annabella." He said

"Good" I said

We walked out of the ice cream parlor and towards the shopping district of town. Lucien wanted me to get some new clothes since well I've been wearing other people's clothing.

We walked inside and looked around. Mike was actually a really fun guy. He grabbed a pair of sunglasses and modeled them for me. I was laughing so hard when he started to model bras. I payed for my clothes and pulled him out of the store before he could embarrass me more than he already had.

We walked to our car and started driving home. He smiled at me before turning back to the road.

"What?" I asked laughing

"I can see why Lucien would care about you. You're beautiful" he said

I started to blush as I looked into my lap.

"Thank you" I said

We parked the car and mike got out of the cat rushing to my side of the car to open my door for me like a gentlemen. I got out off the car and leaned against the door when he closed it.

"Thank you for a fun day'' I said

"My pleasure" mike said

His smirk suddenly faded into a list file stare. I swallowed the lump in my throat as he stepped closer to me and place his hands on my hips. I tried to pull away but he had me gripped tightly to him. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't tear myself away from him.

He leaned in towards me and was about to brush his lips to mine when we heard a hiss coming from behind us. He bolted around to face a pissed off Lucien. My mouth dropped open at his appearance. He was wearing basketball shorts and no shirt. His hair was sweaty and his abs sparkled. I had this temptation to trace my tongue over them

"What the hell is going on here?" Lucien hissed

"Nothing" we both said at the same time

Lucien clenched his jaw as he walked away from us.

"Lucien wait" I pleaded, following after him.

When I turned the corner I saw a basketball game going on and Lucien was part of it. He was dribbling the ball down the court as his team mates called for the ball. He chest passed to someone as he sprinted towards the hoop. The ball was passed back to him as he dunked it.

I stood there and watched the game go for another for minutes before the game ended and Lucien's team cheered in victory. I smiled at him when he looked at me and he couldn't help but smile back. He walked over to me an we walked inside only to be dragged into his room as he brought his lips down to mine in a fierce kiss. The passion coursing through my veins like fire. I snaked my arms around his neck and he did the same around my back.

He led us to the bed as he quickly pulled at my shirt. Oh lord yes.


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