Chapter 4

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Maya's POV

Lucien and I were packing up things i his room to move it to a new room. His mother thought that since I was now living in his room he should be allowed more space. He was being moved into a suite that they had set up. It had a living room a bathroom a bathroom and even a balcony.

Right now we were packing up the small things and putting them into boxes. I was putting all his pictures and some things in boxes while he continued his paperwork. I didn't really mind because after all this is technically my job now. I picked up a snow globe and placed it gently in the box one by one.

When I finished those I put them down by the door and grabbed another box. I went over to his clothes and started piling them in the box one by one but something caught my eye. I reached into his drawer to find a box of condoms. And it was obvious done of them were missing. I looked at Lucien in shock and or some reason hurt.

He looked at me in confusion because my hand was still in the cabinet. Suddenly is eyes popped open, realization hitting him.

"Maya I can explain that'' he said

I sniffed back the tears and tried to find my composure.

"There's nothing to explain to me. It's none of my business." I said

He walked over to me and touched the bottom of my chin with his fingers. He lifted up my face so that I was forced I look at him.

"Then why are you upset?" He asked

"Nothing just leave me alone!" I yelled

I shoved his hand away and ran out of the room. He yelled for me to come back but I didn't listen I could t listen. I shouldn't be so hurt by the fact that he's sleeping with someone. I shouldn't feel this way for him but I do and I can't control it.

The pain if knowing he cares for someone else and is sleeping with them when I'm not around crushed me. I walked into the kitchen to see Ruby and Annabella cooking up a meal.

I sat down at the island and slumped in my seat.

"Hey Maya what's up?" Ruby asked

I shrugged my shoulders and put my chin in my hand. They gave me a curious look and came to sit next to me.

"What's wrong?" Annabella asked

"I need to get something off my chest that I've been keeping in for about a week now" I said

I breathed in the biggest breath ever. I was so nervous to get this off my chest. If I do this I don't know would happen.

"Okay what is it?" Ruby asked

"I think I like Lucien..." I said

"Oh please Maya that's old news. We all already knew that" Ruby said

"Really? Dammit!" I yelled

They both laughed at me but then Penny walked in with a scowl on her face. She stepped on the other side if the island ad crossed her arms, the scowl never leaving her face.

"Hey Penny'' I said

"Don't hey Penny me" Penny said

We all looked at her confused. Did I do something wrong?

"I heard what you said that you like Lucien!" She yelled

"Um yes. I'm not really sure why I like Lucien I just.... Do" I said

"Ugh!" She yelled and she stomped her foot on the floor and stomped out of the room.

"Well moving on from that I really think you should tell Lucien how you feel" Annabella

I smiled at her and stood up.

"You're right! I should tell him!"

I walked out of the room and headed towards Lucien's room. I had to him how I feel. I knocked on Lucien's door softly and listened, nothing.

'Um Lucien it's Maya" I said

I opened the door an walked in only to see the worst thing possible. Penny was sitting on Lucien's lap trying to kiss him. He kept moving his face around but she finally latched her lips onto his.

''Lucien?" I said

Penny pulled away from him and got of his lap, smiling as if she just one the gold metal. Lucien gripped onto Penny's elbow and led her to the door.

"But Lucien!" She whined before slamming the door shut.

He turned to my and sighed. He took my hand in his and led me to the bed. He let me sit down and and he sat next to me.

"Look Maya one I'm not sleeping with anyone. Two I don't like Penny, she came on to me. I've been lending condoms to my brother Mike.''

He suddenly leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. My eyes went wide but then suddenly closed.

I kissed him back slowly and tenderly. When we pulled away he cleared his throat and stood up.

"Well I think we should get pack to packing" he said

He stood up and went to his closet and grabbed all his clothes throwing them into boxes. Oh god what have we gotten ourselves into.


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