{Chapter Seven} ~ What's Lost Has been Found

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He would marry her whose foot this slipper would fit exactly.

3 days ago, since the ball, our house had been getting flyers from Hiro. The guy who had hosted the ball for his new album.

What puzzled me the most is that Hiro's flyer shows a picture of my bracelet and says:
"I'll marry the girl who can tell me the meanings of all three charms on this bracelet."

There's only one logical explanation for this: The guy I danced with was Hiro!

But that can't be, then again it could be. He was wearing a mask and I have no idea what he looks like at all.

Girls from all over the kingdom have tried to guess the charms but none have succeeded so far. At least, that's what my sisters say.

There was a knock on the door. I wonder if it's Hiro or just a messenger.

"Kyori, open the door. It must be Hiro. Girls, I want you down here to guess!" Lizzy and Lindsey stepped down quickly to the door.

I twisted the doorknob to reveal a man with green eyes and perfectly cut dark hair. He also had slight freckles.. I RAN INTO HIRO AT THE SHOPS?!

I stepped away from the door so step-devil and step-demons could greet him.

"I'd like you to tell me what the charms mean." He revealed my bracelet and showed the sisters.

"Well the music note is for my lovely singing, the flower is for how pretty I am and the sapphire is to show how much I love the colour blue!" Lizzy stood proud, thinking she got it right.

"Sorry, that's incorrect." The singer simply stated.

"Lizzy, it's like this: The music note is for how I can play piano, the flower is for how I love tending to the garden and the sapphire is for how much I love the ocean!" Lindsey puffed out her chest and put her hands on her hips.

"Sorry, that's also incorrect...I guess it's not this house either.." Hiro was just about to leave when he heard what I had been mumbling.

"Do you mind if I step inside?" He questioned my step-mom.

"Not at all! Please come in!" She warmly greeted him as if he was treasure. He made his way over to me and looked at me.

"Please tell me what you were mumbling.." He studied my face.

I hesitated, but nodded lightly.

"...The music note represents when I used to play piano with my dad. The flower was to represent how much I've grown. And the sapphire heart, is to represent that I was born in September, though dad told me it was because I was caring. I don't like to flatter myself..."

He stood with wide eyes and took my arm. He then looked at his list of houses and family members.

"Well Miss. Katsumi. I believe this belongs to you.." He presented me my bracelet and I slipped it on. My step-problems looked at me with wild expressions. Step-mom had rage plastered on her face. I only nervously smiled at them.

"I think you must be mistaken Mr. Hiro! She's nothing but filth-"

"Silence. She is the one. Only one person knows those words." He stood up for me and I looked down with pink staining my cheeks.

He spun me around so I looked up, straight into his eyes. He planted a small kiss on my lips.

"What's been lost has been found."


The End!

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