{Chapter Three} ~ Hide My Identity

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Her clothes were turned into cloth of gold and silver, decked With Jewels

Here's a recap of what just happened. My step-devils came home just now and had seen the invitation and went to go look for their new dresses over at the shops. That's all I can think about, that stupid ball and that stupid boy.

Who was he anyway? Maybe I'll see him at that ball or somethin-

What am I doing? I need to get to work again because my step-problems had told me they want me to do all the laundry again. They just dumped all of their clean clothes into the hamper and called them dirty! The nerve of those 'things'.

I sighed, carrying the two loaded hampers down into the laundry room.


I wiped the sweat off my forehead. I finally finished my crazy laundry job. It's half past eight and I would like to get some rest but there's no way that's happening. As a top rule, I can't go to bed unless 'all members of the household are present', at least that's what I'm told.

My thoughts averted to the ball. If only I could get my hands on some sort of dress.

I should call Yukka. I can't text her like a normal human being now-a-days but I have to call her because I'm not allowed a cellphone.

I grabbed the house phone and dialed Yukka's number. Good thing I have a good memory.

"Hello? This is Yukka speaking." Her cheery voice spoke from the other line.

"Hey Yukka! It's been awhile. I haven't seen you since school ended!" That's right, I go to school. It's my only freedom from this place, but since it's summer, school ended around 2 weeks ago.

"Hey Kat! I haven't spoken to you in ages, how's it been?" She pondered.

"Same-old, Same-old. I was wondering if you'd heard about the ball that's supposedly soon-"

"THE BALL?! ARE YOU GOING?!" She squealed into the phone, making me go deaf.

"I'm not sure yet, I mean, I need both my ears to listen to music." I teased before continuing. "I also need to get my hands on some fabric so I can make a dress if I'm going, got any spare cloth?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not gonna just make you make a dress when we have this selection here! I'll tell you what, you can have my favourite pick from the shop. I can convince my mom to get you it. But, you can't complain about my choice, got it? Oh and can I do your hair?"

Did I mention that she's a chatterbox?

"Sure, you can do my hair but I don't know if my step-mom will let me go-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence before she hung up on me.

I guess I'll be seeing her tomorrow, to see what I'm wearing at least.



The dress she picked out for me was the prettiest thing in the whole galaxy. It sure looked like a galaxy.

An indigo dress, covered in white sparkles and bursts of magenta and turquoise; that reminded me of the stars above. It was ruffled from the waist down and went all the way to my feet. It was perfect and I loved it. It had a matching mask that had the same design on it.

"I can't take this Yukka, I'd feel too guilty. Besides, it's probably the most expensive dress in the whole shop-"

"Stop flapping your gums Kat and just take it already!" She shoved the dress and mask dramatically towards me and laughed. I gave in and laughed alongside her.

I hope I can make it to the ball tomorrow.

I'll need to..

Hide my identity.

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