{Chapter Five} ~ Charms

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He took her hand as she alighted from the coach, and stepped to the halls

We had arrived after 15 agonizing minutes. Sometimes Yukka can talk my ear off and she won't realize it!

When Yukka finally stopped talking, the butler had opened the door and let her step out. I took a deep breath and followed after, remembering that I had put on my mask and no one would recognize me, except Yukka of course.

I turned my head to look at the amazing structure. Pure white and grand, bigger than my mansion. It looked almost like a castle. What's this thing even worth?

I then heard talking to my left, making me look over. Some tall man was talking to Yukka! I was to step over there to greet him when..

A hand had grabbed my arm from behind.

"Excuse me miss, might I take you inside?"

My heart stopped. There's a guy behind me and he wants to take me inside. I turned slowly towards him to face him.

He had emerald eyes and perfectly trimmed dark hair. Why is that so familiar?

I had then realized I was staring! I felt heat rushing to my cheeks, and tried to reply to him.
"S-Sure, I mean w-why not?" I mentally facepalmed. What is wrong with me?!

To my astonishment, he lightly chuckled and hooked his arm with my right arm and guided me up the stairs into the large ball room.

I took time to notice he was way taller than me. I felt like a tiny shrimp!

"I've been meaning to ask, what's this bracelet you wear? It's very pretty and seems symbolic."

I look at my charm bracelet that he was also staring at.

"It's a gift from my father and yes, all of charms have stories." I calmly replied, making me feel confident.

"Can I hear the stories? If it's not too much trouble." He flashed me a warm smile and I nervously smiled back.

"Well...The music note represents when I used to play piano with my dad. The flower was to represent how much I've grown. And the sapphire heart, is to represent that I was born in September, though dad told me it was because I was caring. I don't like to flatter myself."

He nodded and smiled.

"Seems like your dad is a great man."

I paused, looking down. "Was, he was a great man..."

"Oh my goodness where are my manners, I'm so sorry. I did not mean to remind you of your loss." I looked at me with caring eyes.

"It's quite alright, I like to think about my dad for all the good memories." I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Well, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to apologize with a dance." He extended a hand towards me.

"It would be my pleasure." And I took his hand.

While looking at my bracelet with..


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