One Direction Preferences

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How does he cheer you up when you're having a bad day?

Zayn: He takes you for a walk around the city, hand in hand, grinning all the way. It gives you both the chance to have fun and be refreshed.

Niall: He takes you to Nandos and you guys have a an eating-fest. It's a blast. After that, you go home to his apartment and he attempts to teach you to play guitar.

Louis: He tries to teach you how to skateboard but it ends up as an impossible task so you two decide to just leave and cause mischief around town.

Harry: You two go to milkshake city and pig out. Eventually the two of you end up kissing. It's all over every magazine.

Liam: You and him go to the park and just play around. The pictures of you two float around tumblr as people blab on about how happy you both look.

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