Chapter Nine

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Nicki's POV
8:00 am

"What kind of juice would you like papi?" Nicki asked

"Orange" he Said

"Orange it is, What should we get sleepy head up there"

"Um, Orange" Papi Said

"& I guess I'll have orange as well"

"Mhm, can me held with the Pantakes?" He said

"Yes you may. We're going to make Blueberry & Peaches Pancakes" I said grabbing the butter

"Okay. Be wight back" I Pushed The Eggs and Bacon To the back of the Stove.
"Okay pap" I took out the stuff I'd need.

1 1/2 cups buttermilk
1 cup chopped fresh or frozen peaches, thawed
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries, thawed
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind

"Otay, let's go" he said walking back into the kitchen

I looked down to see What he went to do.
I instantly smiled at his little apron.

"Aw.When did you get this papi?" I asked as he walked all the way in the kitchen

"Daddy bought it Yestaday."

"Wait let me get a Picture." He stood there while I grabbed my phone after wiping my hands on my Apron.

"Ready?" He asked

"Yes, say cheese"

"Cheeseee" he said doing a funny pose
I snapped the picture

"One more." He said then mugging the camera. He held up one finger

"Wow, you are your father's child."
I snapped one more & went to show him. He laughed at his funny face.


"Ohoh" I said seeing papi wasted a little of the mix onto the counter. I got up to Get a napkin

"Me got it." He wiped it up before I got the chance to. I smiled at him

"Big boy" I cooed he smiled. He went to throw it in the trash

"Okay so next we-"
In one swift move Powder was Flying everywhere. & The fan being on didn't make it any better

We both stood there staring at One another. Looking at the Powder still falling down. I heard little chuckles coming from papi. Seeing I was laughing he stopped.

"That.... Was.... AWESOME!!!" I yelled out making papi laugh & Jump up and down
I picked him up and spun him around in the air then I paused when a thought came to mind

"We need to clean that up before grumpy pants wake up." I said

"Me got this side." I sat him down

We ran around the kitchen cleaning up like Molly, on the Big Comfy Couch.

*A\N - I've never ate this Before. Not with peaches😶.💙🍳🍴☕

"High five Papi" We highfived

"Good job partna." He said

Meek walks in seeing A table full of Food.

"About time your up." I said to him

"I was tired. All this for me?" He said picking up a piece of bacon.

"Ouch" he dropped the bacon.

"Not yet Mister." I said after slapping his hands.

We washed our hands & Started to say a Prayer.

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