15: Falling Up The Stairs Like a Queen

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Chapter 15:


For the next week until the game against Welbridge Knights you Evan and you Summer will be handcuffed together and you will learn to work as a team."

Wait? Crazy Coach say what?

Summer's POV:

I stared at Coach trying to ensure that what he just said wasn't a dream. I looked over to Evan and he too had a puzzled look on his face. We locked eyes and both flew apart realising that throughout Coach's lecture we were pressed together in fear.

"Care to explain?" I asked rubbing my sweaty palms on my shorts.

"Now you must understand that I am doing this for the team. You need to get your act together and learn to work together." He sighed, "Because Summer is right handed and Evan is left handed the opposite hands will be handcuffed. You both live in the same house so that won't be a problem but it would be illegal to drive so you will need to carpool. I suggest Jack or Josh. The only concern I have is changing and showering but you will have to work that out."

That had never crossed my mind but now that it had come out of Coach's mouth, a shiver made its way down my spine. Evan caught on and sent his signature smirk my way. I hissed at him causing him to laugh, vibrations bolted through his chest. Great, not only will I need to be handcuffed to him but now I'm attached to him too?

"I have also gone ahead and fixed your timetables so that they match. Both of you give me your hands." Coach beckoned. Evan and I extended our hands and put them into Coach's palm. Coach took out the handcuffs and I gulped. 1 week, 7 days. 168 hours, 10080 minutes, 604800 seconds of being attached to Evan.

This is going to be hell.


"Move your fat leg!"

"God move your fat ass!"

"Hey! My ass isn't fat!"

"If it's not fat than what is it?"

"Plump. Round. Full. Sexy."

"Wow, and he's modest too!" Evan and I were trying to get through the front door of the mansion. Yes. All that fighting just trying to get through a door.

"On the count of three we push... one, two, three!" We both pushed and we flew through the door landing on our faces. I fell below Evan ad he landed on top.

"My ass! OW!' I cried, rubbing my now bruised butt cheek while attempting to shove Evan off me so that we could get up. After a couple of failed attempts we made our way up towards the stairs. Step by step, one by one, we slowly made our way up the flights of stairs.

Me, being me, I fell. But unlike most times, I had a partner who came crashing down with me.

"Summer, how in the world do you fall UP stairs?" Evan told me while attempting to get up.

"I'm freaking talented that's how." I told him as he pulled me up into his rock hard chest. My cheeks flamed and I pulled away quickly. Too quickly as I tripped AGAIN and fell. I welcomed the stairs with open arms, literally, but it never came. Of course, Evan being my knight in shining armour pulled me back into his arms smiling triumphantly he said, "I'll catch you." My heart warmed, "Only because I don't want to fall on my ass too." Ruined it.

We both trudged up the stairs and towards our rooms.

"We'll sleep in my room." We both shouted at the same time.

"No we'll sleep in mine!"

"Stop copying me!"

"No! You stop copying me!" This was going nowhere.

I sighed before giving in, "We'll sleep in your room."

"You're giving up that easily?" He mocked. I didn't answer but just jiggled our handcuffed hands, and hissed. He chuckled as he guided me towards his room.

We sat on his bed watching movies and eating popcorn that Sal got us from downstairs until I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in throbbing pain. I shot up and griped my stomach as I rocked back and forth, whimpering trying not to make any noise so that I didn't wake a sleeping Evan lying on the bed beside me.

No. Please no, I can't be on my period! Oh my sweet chocolate cake and muffins- ohh, I feel like chocolate right now. Okay, maybe I am on my period...

This is bad, this is really really super duper bad! Ohhh! That sounds so cool, like a song! Really really, super duper... I repeated the lyrics over under my breath while trying to ignore the pain. I need to get the period pills but I can't wake up Evan. I'm doomed.

I try to manoeuvre my way towards the bedside table to grab some pills. Something stirred beneath me and I stood frozen. Evan opened his eyes, took one look at me and burst into laughter.

"You look horrible." He told me as he sat up.

"You look worse." But I was lying, he looked amazing, his hair was messy and he had a five o'clock shadow making him look more mature and older. To summarise I just wanted to pounce on him but that's just the hormones talking.

"Are you sure? Your mouth says 'horrible' but your eyes say 'sexy',"

"My mouth says 'horrible' but my brain says 'stupid'. Now move your ass so I can pee." Thinking about the toilet suddenly made me realise the pain I was in and I clutched my stomach. Whimpering, I rocked back and forth. I felt an arm rub my back and I looked up to find Evan smiling down to me sympathetically. I smiled at him then went back to my wailing.

Have you ever experienced cramps? It's like someone reaching into your stomach and twisting and turning their hands in your body. Evan remained rubbing my back and it was a side of Evan that I've never seen before. To be completely honest, I really like this side of him.

He helped me get up and we walked towards my room because that's were the pills were. We trudged into the ensuite, his hand placed firmly on my back directing me. Evan and I stood in front of the bathroom cabinet and I couldn't even lift my hand off if my stomach to reach the pills. I smiled sheepishly at Evan and he sighed, "What's it called?"

I told him the name of the brand he began rummaging in the cabinet. He handed me two and I dry swallowed them. As I was swallowing my own pills I didn't notice Evan popping his own pills into his mouth.

"This is the tricky part, I'm going to face the other way and hum really, really loudly as you do your um- business" He told me sympathetically. We walked towards my walk in wardrobe and I grabbed my things and we walked back to the ensuite.

Ok well this is just awkward. I can't get my bra on without using both hands. I struggled for a little longer and Evan chuckled. "Here just use the other hand I promise I won't touch your junk. Even though I really want to." I scoffed but reluctantly used my other hand.

"You know that I'm really loving the tat art on your stomach. Damn, that love heart." Evan smirked. I slapped him playfully.

"Hurry up and change were going to be late. I texted Jack this morning and he'll drop us because he's closer than Josh." I told him as I pulled my shirt on.


"I can't believe Coach actually handcuffed them together!"

"Doesn't that mean that they have to sleep together?"

"You reckon they will do the ugly?"

"Summer's cheating on Jack by sleeping with Evan."

"OMG, they have to shower and change together. kinky."

"IF YOU STUPID IMBECILES DONT SHUT YOUR TRAPS, I'LL SHOVE 'KINKY' DOWN YOUR OESPHAGUS!" I cried throwing both my hands, and Evan's right hand, into the air. Evan just laughed and shrugged it off but I was burning, why don't they just shut their big  mouths?

We were now sitting in Modern History and the stupid kids in our class would not stop gossiping about our stinking situation.

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