7: the date

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Chapter 7:

Summer's POV

"Summer dinner is nearly ready, are you coming down?" Ms Carter asked me from the doorway of my room.

"Of course Miss Carter ill be down in a minute."

"Please Summer don't call me Miss Carter it makes me feel old. Call me Aunt Carter." She told me before turning around and leaving the room.

It has been a whole day since the almost kiss and I can't get it out of my head. It's driving me nuts. After Evan rudely interrupted I attacked him and then he left all smug. I had to restrain myself from killing him. Jack was quite comfortable and kissed my cheek before leaving. He reminded me of our date- like I could forget- and left.

Today at school was tense between Evan and I. Through the corner of my eyes I could tell he was analysing me. His eyes always darted across my face and it was weird. As soon as we came home he dropped me off and went to one of the boys house. Now I was sitting on my bed bored out of my brains.


Running in and out through the cones I focused on the ball. I dribbled it and my adrenalin was building up. I sprinted towards the goal I set up and kicked with all the power I had and it flew past the goal and towards the open space.

After a few more hours of training my body was aching and I was about to collapse. I jogged towards the pool and peeled off my shirt leaving me in my sports bra and shorts. No one was home so it didn't matter that they didn't match. I sunk myself towards the floor of the lap pool and sat there. When I couldn't stand it anymore I pushed myself back to breathe and filled my lungs with oxygen refreshing my body.

I looked down at my stomach and memories flooded with how much I hated it.


I sat in my room my body curled up into a ball. Dad was different now that mum died from cancer. I thought he would be nicer and help me but he became worse. I began to eat my pain away and my clothes got tighter and tighter until dad would beat me saying I was too fat. I was five. He would beat a five year old. I remember crying. Now I'm seven. I'm strong, I don't cry anymore. I found a way to suppress my pain. I self harm.

It's the only pain I can control and helps me believe that I can control at least one thing in my life.

Dad sends my up to my room without food and he starved me for months with nothing but one apple a day. Sometimes the servants would sneak me food but I would always throw it back up. I slowly began to lose weight. Dad still isn't happy. Can't he see I'm trying? I'm only a little girl! I don't even have a mum...

*end of flashback*

My breathing wasn't even. I was having a panic attack and like self harming I learnt to control it. I pressed my fingers to my temples and took a deep breath and count until I couldn't hold it in anymore. When I took in another breath it was back to the normal pace. I floated around some more until I drifted into a sleep in the clear water.

"SUMMER!" I frantically splashed in the pool and looked up to who was calling my name. Vanessa stood before me her eyes wide.

"I thought you died! You hadn't answered my calls or texts. Your date's in an hour! What the hell are you doing outside?" My date! OMG. I'm so nervous! What do I wear? What do I do? What do I-

"I got this girlfriend," Vanessa told me pulling me out if the water and throwing me a towel. "Time to get ready for the best first date that you will ever have."

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