Prologue: Beaten Black and Blue

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Thank you so much for clicking my book. Please dont leave after the first chapter because im still quite new at novel writing and I have quite a lot planned for this book. My writing does get better along the chapters and I am getting better at qriting in parts.  I just want to thank my friends who have helped me with the ideas and the chapters. Thank and I love you all.



Black and blue, my body was stained. My heart was leaping out of my chest as my abuser took a stride towards me. A broken wooden split in hands, baring above his head ready to strike.

"You were the biggest mistake in my life. You are the wrost thing to happen to me. You were always such a fuck-up. You, Summer Caroline Embers are no daughter of mine!"

I jolt up from my nightmare. I look

over to my iphone sitting on my dresser "5:00"am. I was shivering and my eyes were blood shot. "No daughter of mine..." The words my father would use every time I did something to disappoint him, which happened to be a lot because I was just a no good, daughter who shamed her perfect family.

My eyes began to water but I jerked my cold hands to wipe the tears. I walked up to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I looked into the reflection and sighed, I knew I was beautiful with my olive skin, green eyes, brown hair and full lips. My body was breath taking but I had to work hard for it.

One week and I could escape, I'd be 16 and I can leave this place. I walked down stairs. My room mate was asleep on the couch, his mouth slightly parted, he was quite the eye candy but I was leaving in a week. Away from my family, away from the suburb, city, state, country, hell, I'm even leaving the continent. Ok, Australia is its own continent, but I can make things more dramatic.

I plan on starting fresh.

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