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"Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?"

The awkward silence lasted for only about a minute, before Marinette bursted out laughing while clutching her stomach. On the other hand, the poor slightly embarrassed cat hero merely stared at her, clearly not amused.

Well, at least he made the previously disappointed girl happy somehow.

Marinette, having finally calmed down, wiped the tears forming in the corners of her eyes and straightened up. "I'm so, so sorry, Adrien. It's just, why on earth are you wearing that?" she pointed to the costume he was wearing.

It was simply a green shirt which he tore the sleeves with his bare hands, to give it a worn out effect, then he wore green skin-tight leggings, as if black spandex wasn't enough. He surprisingly found the leggings lying in his father's pile of clothes.

His father must be a fan of wearing outrageous and odd clothes.

Perhaps that's why his mo--

You're getting carried away, dear Adrien.

Anyway, he wore worn out brown pointed leather shoes and a green hat with a red feather attached to it, which he made himself.

The whole costume wasn't too fancy nor did it look amazing, but he was very much proud of it.

"What? What's wrong with it? I made this all by myself!" replied Adrien, while averting his gaze from Marinette's. "at least appreciate the Peter Pan costume I made just for you..." he trailed off and mumbled, which surprised Marinette.

Adrien Agreste? Doing something for her? Wow, now that's something.

She shook her head and smiled to herself, before standing up and ruffling his hair. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, Kitty. I didn't know. I love your costume, though it needs a few adjustments here and there. But I see that you have potential!"

Seeing that he won't be responding, she decided to answer his question earlier, which she realized was a quote from a particular book she loved as a child. "I would love to have an adventure now, my dear Peter Pan."

That alone made Adrien jump and grab her hand, ready to take off with her into the Parisian night. But before he could do just that, the ill heroine sneezed. Marinette smiled at him sheepishly, while covering her nose with the back of her hand. Adrien immediately grabbed the green handkerchief he was keeping in the leggings' back pocket and handed it to her.

"You need this more than I do."

They stared deeply at each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. With him extending his arm to hand her his handkerchief, with the open window behind him and the gleaming blanket of stars shining brightly in the Parisian night sky as it made him shine, it made her feel like she was in paradise. She doesn't know, but there was something so special.

What did she do to deserve such an amazing partner?

His radiant emerald eyes were immediately filled with concern, as he eyed the frozen figure of the lady in front of him.

"Milady?" he called out.

A small smile began to form from the corner of her lips, and a soft giggle escaped from her mouth.

"Before we go, can I just change from my pizza-themed pjs?"

* *

Presently, the two teenagers were sitting at the top of the Eiffel tower, where they would usually stop by while patrolling at night, with their feet dangling off the edges as they shared joyous laughter. Between them was their extravagant 'snacks', which Adrien sneaked out from the food area of the venue of the prom, and three candles to light up their area and attempt to make it romantic.

Marinette stopped midway from eating the macaroon and turned to Adrien, who was stuffing himself with croissant, saying, "Wait, I've got a lot of questions to ask you... but first, where's Tikki and Plagg?"

The heroine noticed the absence of the two kwamis, despite being in their civilian form. Adrien shrugged his shoulders and said with his mouth full of croissant, "I don't know, maybe their having a romantic dinner, too. You know how Plagg is in love with Tikki."

Marinette gasped. "What?! Plagg likes Tikki? As in... my Tikki?!"

"Hang on, you didn't know that? Uh oh, I guess I just spilled the... litter."

Despite Adrien being happy with what he just uttered, Marinette rolled her eyes at him and smacked the back of her hand to her forehead. "One more time, Agreste!"

"Alright, purr-in-hiss, I cat--"

And on cue, a half-eaten macaroon was sent flying toward Adrien's delicate face, which he skillfully dodged, much to Marinette's dismay. Adrien cockily smiled at her, saying, "You could use some work on your speed, Milady."

Marinette scoffed. "Whatever, Chat."

Awkward silence filled the air. Marinette silently toyed with the ends of her hair, while Adrien stared at the wondrous sight of the City of Love from below. Marinette, tired from the silence, spoke up, "Hey, Adrien? It's not like I don't want you here by my side, but... how come you're here, with me, and not there at prom?"

Adrien gulped the last piece of croissant, not tearing his gaze from the city, before replying, "I heard from Alya that you won't be able to come since you were sick. Of course, being this persistent partner of yours, I've decided to just leave prom and do something. I knew that you were disappointed not to be able to attend the prom, so I quickly, like really quickly, made the costume and dressed up as your favorite character--"

He slowly turned his head to her, and their eyes made contact ones again.

There it was again.

That same look in his eyes from earlier.

There was something so... so different from the way he looked at her. It held such emotions one could not perceive through the naked eye. There was something in there, in those deep emerald eyes which have witnessed a lot.

"--to make you happy."

Author's Note:

Hello  everyone! It's been a while  since I've updated this book, my apologies!  I'm so, so sorry! I'm back  at school again, so it's going to be really  busy and I'll barely have  enough time to write and open Wattpad. I'm so,  so sorry! In the  meantime, here's another chapter for you guys! All in  Nathaniel's POV!

Also,   thank you guys so, so much for the reads, comments, votes, and support   you've given me! Honestly, I've thought about giving up on this one  due  to certain circumstances, but all of your positive feedbacks and  support  gelped me continue on! So, thank you so, so much!

For   this chapter's hashtags, I will be posting them shortly. I'm  currently,  typing this on my phone, which makes it harder for me to  copy and check  your hashtags. But I'll post it, don't worry!

Once again, thank you and have a nice day!

Also, just a quick question: I was thinking of changing the title of this book from 'Tutor Sessions' to 'It All Started With An F' or something so that it'll fit the story more. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments section! Thank you guys!

EDIT 12/09/16: I'M SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE. UPDATED THIS CHAPTER. IT'S COMING TO AN END GUYS. OH MY. Thank you for all the support everyone! I'll do everything I can to make the ending somehow... amazing, I guess. But thank you to everyone! Without each and every one of you, I wouldn't be able to make it here. So, thank you so, so much!

EDIT 3/18/17: HI GUYS! I figured some of you may be wondering why the previous comments section, and my author's note contain something about Nath's pov... well, it's because I did change the story. I thought that some things are a bit off in the story and it seems a bit off... I'm really sorry for the confusion guys! so, so sorry!

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