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"Chat Noir! Your baton!" exclaimed Ladybug from the nearby rooftop. Chat Noir stared at his baton and then to the akuma as he tried to figure out what his partner was trying to make him do. He tried to fit the puzzle pieces together, and eventually, he did. A mischievous smirk escaped his lips as he threw the baton in the direction of the akuma, making it divert its attention to his baton as it caught it easily.

"What? Do you think I'm just gonna stand there and take it? You must be stupid to think that way. I've expected more of you, cat hero." mocked the akuma as it observed the baton in his hands. Chat Noir tried to keep his composure and from charging at the akuma; that villain was certainly annoying. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Ladybug preparing to swing her yo-yo at the large akuma. A vicious grin was plastered on her face as he advanced toward Chat Noir with his baton in hand, while the hero remained in his place, unfazed. Just as it was about to hit Chat Noir, she fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?" said Ladybug from above as she held onto the string connecting her yo-yo to her finger, a victorious grin plastered on her face. She leaped from the rooftop to the ground and approached the struggling akuma. "You'll surely lose someday, Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

Ladybug smirked. "We'll see about that, Black Swan." Her long slender fingers reached out for the akumatized plastic crown and slammed it against her thigh, setting free an akuma. The mesmerized cat watched the bug as she cleansed the akuma and did her signature moves as the akuma screamed in horror. In an instant, a white butterfly fluttered away from her yo-yo and everything was back to normal, including the chopped off Eiffel tower.

"W-Wha-- Where am I? Ladybug?" muttered the previously akumatized 16 year old ballerina in confusion. Ladybug proceeded to fist bump with Chat Noir, like they would usually do once they defeat the enemy, exclaiming, "Pound it!"

The heroine averted her gaze to the confused ballerina, and she excused herself from Chat Noir and the people beginning to surround them. She knelt down to the girl's height and placed a hand on her shoulder, making the girl lift her gaze from the floor, "L-Ladybug? Why are you--" Her face dropped, and tears welled up in her eyes. "I caused trouble, didn't I? Everyone in the studio was right... I'm just a burden to everyone. I'm so sorry Ladybug..." she apologized to the heroine as she roughly wiped off the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Ladybug comfortingly smiled at her. "Hey, there's nothing to apologize about! You're definitely not a burden! Don't believe those people. They're just jealous and trying to bring you down. I've seen your recitals before and dare I say it was amazing! So, don't let their words affect the way how you see yourself, because you are an amazing and strong woman. Those people don't deserve your time and attention. Okay? Promise me that you won't let them destroy your life and your dreams." 

The ballerina stared at her with wide eyes throughout her mini-speech in awe. After a couple of minutes, a smile appeared on her porcelain tear-stained face, a genuine one, "Thanks, Ladybug. I promise." She threw her arms around the heroine, while she patted her back comfortingly.

Chat Noir watched the scene unfold from afar as a smile unconsciously graced his lips. As the reporters and random civilians continued to bombard him with questions, he tried his best to answer them all until she returns by his side. Soon enough, she did.  

"Hey, Kitty." said Ladybug as she stood beside him.

He smirked. "Why hello there, Milady. It's nice to have you back. How's the girl?" She shrugged and briefly glanced at the now being treated ballerina from the distance, "She's fine. She was ju--"

Chat Noir dropped to his knees as he clutched his side. His face was scrunched up in pain as he bit his lip to prevent letting out a scream. Ladybug politely asked the reporters and civilians to give them some space, to which they gladly obliged, luckily. She knelt down to his height and worriedly stared at him, "Chat!? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Tutor Sessions ||AdrienetteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin