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Marinette sighed exasperatedly as she banged her head against her desk. "Do you have any plan to help me out, Chat? This activity is way too difficult for me!" 

The hero walked over to her side, a grin plastered on his face. "Give me that." he ordered her. She handed over the papers to him, and he immediately began to work. Marinette watched in awe as his hands moved swiftly as he answered the questions, as if it were a piece of cake to him. He smirked once he noticed the amused expression on Marinette's delicate face, knowing that he won the bet on whether the dark haired girl would be able to answer all the questions or not.

Once he was finished, he stood proudly, a victorious smirk on his face. He stared at Marinette, while she scoffed at him and reached for the paper. Her blue bell eyes scanned the paper over and over as she did her best to understand those questions she had difficulty with. She has to admit it, the cat was an absolute genius in Chemistry.

She sighed deeply and stood up from her seat. She turned to the still smirking cat beside her, glaring daggers at him. She crossed her arms over her chest and whispered "Okay, you win. Now, what's the dare, Kitty?"

Chat Noir leaned forward and cupped his right ear, as if he was having difficulty hearing her. "What was that again? I can't hear you." he teased her. Marinette huffed and pushed him away, making the cat trip on his own two feet, "I said that you won, Chat. No need to scream it. Kidding aside, what's the dare?" 

Chat grinned. "Well, I was thinking if you could do something for a friend...his name is Adrien Agreste, you know him?"  Marinette's eyes landed briefly onto the pictures of him plastered on the wall before turning back to him. "Yeah, I know him. He's my lo--I mean, classmate. What about him?" she replied, silently scolding herself for almost saying something stupid again.

He pretended to think as he tapped his chin and stared behind her. In an instant, his cat ears perked up and he raised a pointer finger, as if a thought just came to him. Marinette shook her head at his childish behavior, finding it adorable and ridiculous at the same time. "Okay, I got it! You have to go on a date with him this Saturday! Take him somewhere, I'm pretty sure he'll be fine anywhere as long as he's with you."

Marinette could swear her face was as red as a tomato right now. She can't believe Chat Noir just asked her to have a date with Adrien this Saturday; it was like a dream come true! She was nervous, of course, but her excitement took over her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Tikki cheering for her. Chat noticed Marinette's change of behavior; she was red and she looked like she was about to explode. He took a step forward and brought the back of his hand to her forehead to check whether she was ill or not. Once the heroine was snapped back to reality, she pushed him away and swatted his hand.

"D-Don't!" she exclaimed. Chat tilted his head to the side, like a cat would whenever it was curious. "Princess, are you okay?" asked the teen in front of her. Marinette stood up straight and nervously laughed, "Yeah! I'm okay. About the dare, sure, I can do that!"

Marinette couldn't take it anymore; she was about to explode from the mix of emotions she was feeling right now. She forcefully turned the confused Chat Noir towards the ladder leading to her balcony.

"All right, Chat. I think it's time for you to leave since your Miraculous is flashing. See ya!" she quickly said.

Once he was out in the balcony, Marinette shut the trapdoor. The cat blinked a couple of times, trying to process what just happened, while the heroine lay still on her bed. She brought a hand to her chest as she thought of the date she was obliged to do.

"Okay...? I guess I'll be going now. Remember: 5 PM sharp at the park this Saturday! Failure to do your dare will result to a bunch of consequences!" reminded Chat before leaping from roof to roof to the Agreste mansion.

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