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Marinette nervously bit her nails as she watched Adrien scan over the paper in his hands. His eyebrows were creased and his eyes were squinted as he tapped the pen in his hand onto the table. A couple of days passed ever since Adrien started to tutor her. So far, Marinette was doing well; she was able to answer his questions correctly with such ease and was able to catch up easily. Adrien was amazed by all of this. Honestly, he can't seem to find the reason why Marinette would fail Chemistry class.

The teen model placed the paper down as he turned to Marinette, while the heroine's heart pounded. "I'm starting to wonder why on earth you failed Chemistry. I mean, come on! You were able to answer all my questions correctly!" stated Adrien. The jet black haired girl can't help but blush at his compliment as she sighed in relief. For a moment, she thought that she was going to embarrass herself through failing Adrien's exercise given to her. Honestly, it was harder than she thought. The only reason why she was nailing it was because of the determination she felt in raising her grades and in impressing Adrien.

"Well, thanks! Actually, the exercise you gave was kinda hard. I guess I'm just that lucky today." answered Marinette.

Adrien flashed her a warm smile, which soon turned into a frown. Marinette noticed this and gazed at him worriedly. "Is something wrong?" questioned Marinette as she watched Adrien stand up from his chair and hurriedly gather his things from the wooden table. "We need to go, lunch break is almost over." he replied, not even sparing a single glance at her.

"Right." whispered Marinette as she did the same. Honestly, she was a bit disappointed that her time with Adrien was cut short by the limited time they were given.

Once they were done gathering their things, they began their way to their classroom, side by side. The walk was silent, since not one of them dared to mutter a word to each other. Marinette side-glanced at him as they walked, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She wanted to talk to him, but she couldn't find the courage to do it. That is, until Adrien spoke.

"Marinette," he called out. Marinette shyly turned to him and hummed in response. "I was thinking if I could go to your house and continue to teach you there, if you don't mind. It's just...lunch breaks aren't enough, you know." He continued.

Marinette could swear her face was bright as a tomato right now. Her smile was big, as if she just won the lottery. She was so thrilled that Adrien asked if he could continue to tutor Marinette there. She was going to spend another hour or so with him, in her house! After the session, she could perhaps invite him to watch a movie with her or play video games or maybe, just maybe, cook with her! It was a perfect way to get closer to Adrien.

"S-Sure, it's okay with me. I don't mind at all." she replied as she smiled at him. Marinette's cheeks got even warmer once Adrien smiled back at her. She was so looking forward to it.

* *

"Chat, what on earth are you doing here?"

Marinette impatiently tapped her foot, her arms crossed over her chest, and a brow raised as she stared at her partner currently in her balcony. She expected Adrien to come, not her partner. He couldn't be here just to pass time and he couldn't be here to search for his partner since patrol time won't start until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Why was he there?

 The cat smirked at her as he stood proudly in her balcony. "Well, a little birdie told me you needed help in Chemistry," he trailed off, and bowed down. "so, here I am, Chat Noir, at your service." he continued, a smirk on his face.

"Wait, where's Adrien?" she questioned. Chat Noir stood up and nervously scratched the back of his head as he chuckled. "W-Well, he told me that he was going to be busy! So, he asked me to take his place!" he answered.

For a moment, Marinette's face fell; she wouldn't be able to spend some time with Adrien. She wouldn't be able to play video games with him. She wouldn't be able to do all the things she planned out for this evening. 'Well,' Marinette thought. 'I might still be able to ask him out or something. Just think positive, Marinette. Everything will be okay.'

Suddenly, a thought came to her: He knows Adrien personally?

But then again, Adrien is after all famous in Paris. But could he be the boy Chat constantly talks about whenever she was Ladybug? Chat told her of stories about a boy he was friends with. He never did mention his name before, but he mentioned that he was attending the same school as her. She wanted ask him about it, but she respected his private life. 

Marinette sighed and opened the trapdoor widely for the cat. "All right, inside now, Kitty." She told him. Chat Noir quickly entered her room as Marinette followed him closely behind, oblivious to the numerous pictures of him plastered all around her room. Marinette closed the trapdoor behind her, and proceeded to her desk to fetch her things, while Chat Noir was sprawled onto the floor. Once she got her book and her other materials, she plopped down beside him.

"Chat Noir, are you sure you're any good at Chemistry?" she asked doubtfully..

Chat lifted his head and sat up. "Paw-sitive, Princess!"

She merely shook her head at his childish behaviour, and concealed the smile growing on her face. Truly, the dorky hero was impossible not to love. He could just make any person smile just by his lame puns. Surely, the girl who'd marry the boy underneath the mask is lucky.

Marinette grinned and opened her book. "So, where do we start?"

Chat Noir grinned deviously as he grabbed a pen from Marinette's pencil case, saying, "We'll start with the topic you're having difficulty with. Let's see if you can take my ever so hard activities I will be giving you."

"Bring it on, but I can assure you that I will nail it, Chat Noir."

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! So I decided that I will continue this fanfiction! Yay! For some odd reason, I actually feel really determined to write this book. Also, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Please, if there are any corrections I need to make or advice you can give me about writing, please don't hesitate to tell me! It would be a huge help to me. Thank you also to everyone who voted, read, and commented on my book! Thank you so much!

Once again, thank you and have a nice day!

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